Weekly Update – March 31, 2016
WNY Peace Center Weekly Update – March 31, 2016 Contact: 716-332-3904
Nonviolence Training for Direct Action
A particularly scary political season is upon us, so be prepared!!
Come learn and/or practice tips so you are ready to stay safe and de-escalate any brewing violence.
Choose from 3 sessions (about 2 or more hours):
2 pm, Saturday April 2. WNY Peace Center, NRC Building, 1272 Delaware Ave., Buffalo
7 pm, Tuesday April 5. ‘Rafi’ Greene, Jr. Masten Resource Center 1423 Fillmore Avenue, Buffalo
6 pm, Wednesday April 13. Lincoln Memorial United Methodist Church, 641 Masten Avenue, Buffalo
1. Events (WNYPC followed by allies – chronological within category)
2. WNY Peace Center Membership Drive
3. ** Special Public Outcry Section: Sign on to STARI-Buffalo Stop Trump Rally Letter, etc. **
Send announcements to weeklynews@wnypeace.org for possible inclusion in the Weekly Update.