Free Palestine Rally, Sat 1pm, Niag Sq; Work & Vol opportunities; Bflo Policing Referendum Campaign; Mayoral Candidates Forum Weds

716-332-3904 | Friday, May 14th, 2021 |

Dear Friends,

After the polling we did to determine what was optimal, we decided that this communication should only come out about every two weeks, with exceptions as needed. In light of that, we’re changing the name to Talking Peace News!

Just a reminder that our incoming Executive Director, Deidra EmEl, is looking for an Office Manager and/or volunteer for administrative-type duties. See the job description at the end of this email/post.

We are also looking for volunteers for Camp Peaceprints, to be held M-F July 12-23. As many of you know, Camp Peaceprints is a collaboration between the SSJ Sr Karen Klimczak Center for Nonviolence, the Interfaith Peace Network, and the WNYPC. Volunteers are needed for driving children to camp, accompanying us on field trips, and/or to be a flock leader leading/fielding one of the small groups making up the camp. Our theme this year, Camp Peaceprints Explores the World, will give a the tapestry over which the social justice, conflict resolution, arts, and leadership skills will be woven. Please email or

Worldwide violence, oppression, and injustice is rampant. People are suffering so much in Palestine (rally tomorrow Sat 1pm in Niagara Sq), Afghanistan (GDL conversation with Afghan Peace Volunteers on 5/21), Myanmar (vigils Sat/Sun 10-11:30am Bidwell & Elmwood), etc.; while here in WNY we have primaries coming up (Candidates forums on 5/19 and 5/24); 31{18f4e0a41fddb2e88741536e88191ef0d4c56a815c6739466934f6385f4e0c26} of Buffalonians living in poverty (twice as much as the NYS average); and still no Citizen Review Board for Policing (please sign the petition for a referendum). See below for details to take a stand on any and all of these – at events or through campaigns.

Also many thanks to those who donated so generously, including the Environmental Justice Taskforce, and especially Beanie Jamieson, Seneca, who organized a super fundraiser, all making our 8-person, 3 vehicle trip to #DefendTheSacred and #StopLine3 possible. And huge Nya weh to Onondawaga Protectors, Nekanehsakt, and WNYPC-ers who made the trip to help make the 23 mile Mayday for Mother Earth paddle a success, with some 45-50 canoes and kayaks! We will persist, here and elsewhere, to protect our water, and PeopleAndThePlanet! #MniWaconi!!

With this communication coming out less often, you’ll want to check our website and social media for news more often. For details – including special and regularly scheduled events this week – plus campaigns, fundraisers, and more please go to, our Facebook page, Twitter (@wnypeace), and Instagram (@wnypeace)! 

Peace, thanks, solidarity, and yes – love!!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Find more details and additional special events on our Event Calendar at

May 15 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EDT

Free Palestine Rally

At Niagara Square, Buffalo (in front of City Hall, 65 Delaware Ave). Organized by Buffalo for Palestine, by Palestinian-Americans. Nakba Day. At least 100 Palestinians have been killed in the couple days since the Israeli Government cracked down at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem; Israeli ground troops have now also reportedly entered Gaza. Join us in solidarity with our Palestinian brothers and sisters against oppression.

May 15 @ 12:30 pm – 5:00 pm EDT

Prohibiting the First Use of Nuclear Weapons

On zoom. A nuclear exchange between the US and Russia would incinerate hundreds of millions of people immediately, and lead to a Nuclear Winter which would slaughter an estimated 7 billion of the Earth’s 7.7 billion people, mostly through starvation.  Building back civilization would require over 1,000 years.  A U.S. nuclear strike against China would result in a similar catastrophe

These are the stakes.   As a step toward reducing the danger of Nuclear War, a coalition of groups has called upon Congress to legislate – and the President to declare – that the United States will neither initiate nor threaten to initiate the first use of Nuclear Weapons.   Register to attend:

Click here to see the full schedule. Includes Jillian Hanesworth, Buffalo’s Poet Laureate.

May 16 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm EDT

Riverside Salem: “A Prisoner’s Humanity” –Dani Johnson

On zoom. Sunday we will be joined by Dani Johnson, of Alliance of Families for Justice, who will talk with us about her work and recent book — A Prisoner’s Humanity. From the cover — “A Prisoner’s Humanity” is a collection of 71 poems that describe the inhumane ways that prisoners are mistreated within current day jails and prison facilities. This collection consists of 71 poems in honor of the year 1971, when prisoners within Attica Prison fought to affirm their humanity after having endured inhumane treatment. Everyone is welcome. Below is the link.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 363 944 0486
Passcode: 756084
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May 17 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm EDT

Challenging Conversations: “Mirrors of Privilege” screening

Film/Discussion/Action! – Part 1 “Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible” – a documentary produced by World Trust. Following the film, we will have time for reflection and a brainstorm of actions we can take within our own congregations. Organized by Union of Black Episcopalians. Learn more about the film here: Mirrors of Privilege   Register here.

May 18 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm EDT

Clean Slate Advocacy Day

On zoom. Join Center for Community Alternatives (organizer), Open Buffalo, WNYPC and more for a Clean Slate advocacy day on Zoom! Clean Slate means automatically expunge/seal old conviction records and end the perpetual punishment that causes. Join a press conference, meetings with lawmakers and community events to demand Clean Slate be passed. RSVP here.

May 19 @ 7:30 pm EDT

(Nonpartisan) Primary Candidates’ Forum for Mayor of Buffalo

Livestreaming on Facebook; re-broadcast on Mon May 17, 1pm on WBNY 91.3FM; added to our YouTube Channel. Talking Peace w/the WNY Peace Center is holding a (Nonpartisan) Primary Candidates’ Forum for Mayor of Buffalo. We have proudly invited all Primary Candidates for Mayor of Buffalo, NY to participate in this forum. The public will be able to offer questions via the Facebook livestream; or you can email them to

May 21 @ 7:30 am – 9:30 pm EDT

GDL: Afghan Peace Vols re Food Security

Global Days of Listening:The “LIVE” broadcast can be viewed via the YouTube link posted at the time the broadcast starts on the Learning Right Relations – Global Days of Listening livestream page.   FOOD SECURITY: A Basic Human Need and a Global Human Right Riveting photos of starving children, victims of the war and economic sanctions, have shone a bright light on the issue of the global human right of Food Security!  The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations defines food security as existing “when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.” (United Nations Human Rights Fact Sheet, 34) And yet, an estimated 690 million people worldwide go to bed hungry every night.

Intentional starvation has also been used as a military tactic in such countries as Syria. On May 24, 2018, the United Nations (UN) Security Council unanimously passed a resolution condemning the use of food insecurity and starvation as a tactic of war.

These are the challenges, and the May Global Days of Listening will be examining why, in a world where there are adequate food resources, so many are starving. Some of  the questions we will respond to include:

1. Healthy production of food (natural/organic/permaculture)

2. Equitable food distribution, especially in times of war and climate catastrophes

3. How can we improve food security for all, not just for those who can afford it?

View the SCHEDULE for the May 21 event here.

May 24 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm EDT

(Nonpartisan) Primary Candidates’ Forum for Erie Co Sheriff

Hybrid: Both at Buffalo & Erie Co Central Public Library, and on zoom/youtube/Facebook. Organized by VOICE Buffalo. In 2021, we have the opportunity to elect equity, better quality of care for detainees, as well as safer policies. This is the year of the Activated Vote, and our power lies in the Unity of our voice! We must reform the majority of the policies and procedures that have allowed the murder and torture of innocent lives in the Erie County Holding Center. We must also stop Howard’s final act of supremacy: relocating the Downtown Holding Center to the Alden Correctional Facility. In 2021, we have the opportunity to elect a sheriff that is dedicated to the implementation of the needed reforms that will protect detainees and ensure they are receiving adequate care and their most basic needs are met.

Join VOICE Buffalo at our nonpartisan Primary Candidates forum to discuss these and other issues that greatly affect our community with the candidates.

The forum, moderated by Spectrum News Reporter Brandon Lewis, will be held in the Downtown Buffalo and Erie County Public Library on Monday, May 24th from 6pm-8pm and stream live on zoom, YouTube, and Facebook.

For more information, including the streaming information, please register for the forum HERE

Invitation to 30-minute Silent Meditation/Prayer Vigils (May 15, May 26 & June 4) to Stop Executions, Torture, Murders & Assassinations & Promote Peace in the World

– You are invited to attend an upcoming series of 30-minute silent meditation/prayer vigil sessions against human executions, torture, murders & assassinations—these sessions are aimed at bringing more peace to the community, to the nation, and to the whole world.

Schedule of Vigils:

Saturday, May 15 (10:00 a.m.):  Vigil for International Day of Families (May 15) and for Mr. Quintin Phillippe Jones (scheduled to be executed in Texas on May 19) ZOOM link:

Wednesday, May 26 (7:00 p.m.):  Vigil for International Day of Vesak (Buddha Day) ZOOM link:

Friday, June 4 (7:00 p.m.):  Vigil for International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression  ZOOM link:

For more information, contact:

How the sessions will run:

7:00 p.m. (or at 1:00 or 10:00) — A few minutes before the silent vigil, please get comfortably seated, connect to Zoom, and mute your microphone.

OPENING:  7:05 p.m. When the bell rings, the silent vigil (25 minutes in length) will begin. It will be a silent meditation session or silent prayer session (your choice).

CLOSING:  7:30 p.m. Another bell will ring at the conclusion of the vigil, at which point some short reflective meditations will display for another 10 minutes.

ZOOM will automatically time out after 40 minutes.


Find more details and additional weekly/monthly events on our website at


1pm-3pm – Talking Peace (WNYPC radio show). On WBNY 91.3 FM or streaming online at Insights on peace and justice with the WNYPC. At the moment, the show is being pre-recorded by Think Twice Radio at The Home of the Future!


1ST & 3rd Tues: 6:30pm Nekanehsakt: Friends of the Ekwehewe, an Indigenous support group, gathers to discuss and support needs and campaigns of the Indigenous communities, including protection of Mother Earth. On zoom here. Meeting ID: 862 5047 8013  Passcode: 269980


4pm – Prisoners’ Rights weekly vigil: No More Deaths! at the Erie County Holding Center (ECHC). Please bring your own signs. Please come out to stand in solidarity with families who’ve lost loved ones in the ECHC.

7:15 (approx.) – Talking Peace with the WNY Peace Center, livestreaming on Facebook (and subsequently broadcast on WBNY 91.3FM on Mondays 1-3pm). Two session each just under an hour. This week a Nonpartisan Primary Candidates Forum for Mayor of Buffalo!!


5pm – Immigrant & Refugee Justice (IRJ) weekly vigil: End Ice Terror! Outside the Delaware North Building. Please bring your own signs.

Starts Thursday, June 3rd – 6:30-8pm – 8 Thursdays –

Summer Book Discussion facilitated by Gabrie’l J. Atchison

Stand Your Ground: Black Bodies and the Justice of God by Kelly Brown Douglas

(Thursdays, 6:30pm-8pm – in June & July (no meeting on July 1st))

Register here REGISTER

 to receive the Zoom information and then drop in as you can.


2pm – Environmental Justice weekly vigil: No Nuclear Waste over the Peace Bridge! At Front Park. Signs on hand.


10am- Myanmar Community Weekly Vigil, At Bidwell & Elmwood.

12 pm – Women in Black weekly vigil. At Elmwood & Bidwell. Signs on hand.


10am- Myanmar Community Weekly Vigil, At Bidwell & Elmwood.

4pm- Riverside Salem Weekly Gathering. Various topics. Currently on Zoom at

Meeting ID: 363 944 0486; Passcode: 756084. This week with Dani Johnson, on her book, A Prisoner’s Humanity.


Find more details and additional campaigns and fundraisers at

Policing & Criminal Justice Reform

– Please sign the Buffalo Police Accountability Ballot Initiative if you are a resident of Buffalo. It will give the Buffalo Police Advisory Board some real power, “teeth” if you will, with subpoena power and more. Details are here.

-Free Mumia!
The frightening health crisis facing Mumia Abu-Jamal, internationally renowned political prisoner and writer is serious. Mumia, at 66, has had COVID-19,  heart surgery and other medical emergencies in the picture, this Call is more urgent than ever.
Mumia, as you may recall, was very ill five years ago as a result of misdiagnosed and untreated Hepatitis C. He was very close to death at that point, and we are sad to report that his situation may indeed be even more precarious now. Despite decades of amazing international and US support, and Mumia’s own great inner strength, MUMIA’S LIFE IS IN IMMINENT DANGER.
We therefore ask that you sign the simple but powerful Religious Call for Mumia’s Immediate and Unconditional Release. Please reply to us at:

– Please support the WNYPC {Cariol Horne} Whistleblower Fund! Encourage police to intervene the way Cariol did to make sure police stop their colleagues from abusive acts or unnecessary use of force.

– Contact ECDA John Flynn’s office (by phone: 716-858-2424 and by web: urging him to:

  1. re-visit the Buffalo 5 case (indictment no. 41-413)! Three of the original Buffalo 5 remain living and are seeking a complete exoneration and clearing of their names. Please also see the petition and campaign. Call especially if you can’t make it to render Court Support this Tuesday (see above).
  2. give Deyanna Davis more freedom while she’s in house arrest! Visit for a petition, fundraiser, and more information.

– Please thank the Common Council members who voted in favor of ending the Speed Camera Program as recommended by the FFFC: Councilmen Wyatt (particularly, who proposed the resolution), Pridgen, Bollman, Nowakowski, Rivera, and Feroleto (contact info
here). The press conference we were part of responding to the latter can be viewed here.

Environmental Justice & Indigenous Rights

Re #StopLine3 (and associated)

– Call MN Governor Tim Walz at 651-201-3400 to urge him and other officials (e.g., Congressman Keith Ellison) to stop Line 3.
– Visit the Water Protectors website for information on needed donations and coming out to put your body on the line to protect Mother Earth, the waters, and the creation.
-Donations (physical items and/or monetary) also gratefully received at Burning Books (420 Connecticut St, Buffalo, 14213 – open daily, 11am – 7pm) or to Nekanehsakt’s PayPal. #DefendTheSacred #WaterIsLife
– SIGN THE PETITION HERE to get President Biden to #StopLine3.
For more info and ways to help, go to:

West Valley Nuclear Waste Clean-up

Join the West Valley Action Network and support the full cleanup of one of WNY’s most dangerous radioactive pollution problems. Help protect our drinking water, environmental, and community! Join in proactively protecting our region from the long-lasting, deadly nuclear and hazardous waste at the West Valley site. Please also contact all of your legislators – local, state, and federal – to urge full covered cleanup with extensive monitoring!

Foreign Policy

We need to #ReSealTheDeal with Iran. Please sign the petition  to President Biden urging that he return the US to that commitment. Please join the twitter storm too, and/or call the President at 202-456-1111.

Please also urge Biden with every means at your disposal to work to #EndTheBlockade of Yemen. #YemenCantWait. It has been especially heinous the siege being so persistent throughout Ramadan.

Don’t forget to keep telling @POTUS and @Ablinken to #EndtheBlockade of Cuba as well. People have suffered too long. If you can help CodePink raising $$$ to send Cuba much-needed syringes and medical supplies! Please give generously and you will receive a tax-deductible donation receipt instantly.

Support the campaign to break the US blockade and send syringes to the people of Cuba!

CODEPINK is committed to raising $$$ to send Cuba much-needed syringes and medical supplies! Please give generously and you will receive a tax-deductible donation receipt instantly.

Immigrant and Refugee Justice

Justice for Erick Mejia. Sign on to the petition. Erick was a 26-year-old Honduran shot 28 times and killed by San Antonio police in Texas. The family is demanding that the city of San Antonio fire the police. Erick was undocumented and ran in fear after being stopped by traffic police. It is a travesty of justice that his family had to flee violence in their homeland only for their son to be shot down in cold blood in this country.
Please share and sign the petition: 


WNY Peace Center Office Job Description

The WNY Peace Center seeks a highly organized person who is passionate about peace and social justice issues to help in the office working for our mission of “Peace Through Justice at Home and Abroad.”

The WNY Peace Center is a nonprofit, member driven organization founded in 1956. Our nine taskforces focus on particular issue areas and we stress the interconnectedness of our issues, Uniting the Struggles and Movement-Building. We provide many opportunities to learn about, reflect, and act constructively to address issues of concern to our membership. As a force for progressive change, the WNY Peace Center serves as an incubator for new ideas and the promotion of activism.

The Office Position is for  approximately 10 hours/week at $15/hour.

Candidates should be detail oriented, have great verbal and written communication skills, computer skills (QuickBooks knowledge is a plus), and a cooperative spirit. Experience in the non-profit sector and/or community organizing is helpful.


Skills: Knowledge of Quickbooks, Word, Mac computer.

with Duties to include:

Answering phones, returning calls.

Data entry and maintenance, including bookkeeping (making deposits, check-writing, running reports) using Quickbooks and a Mac

Order and maintain office supplies and equipment, arrange bulk mailings

Design and layout of office publications and literature such as newsletter/weekly news as needed, annual dinner program book, annual reports and membership appeals/ renewals (either performing or arranging therefor)

Assist in keeping the office clean and organized, other office maintenance

Work closely with the Executive Director, as variously directed, possibly including: Communicating with the staff, board and members; Assist in media and publicity outreach, including press releases, media advisories and follow-up; Participate in designing, publicizing and implementing strategic campaigns; Assist in planning, publicizing and executing meetings, speakers, fundraisers, rallies and other events; Assist in fundraising through grant-writing, membership appeals and events; Conduct research on legislation, grants, social issues and potential services; Assist in outreach and work with other peace and justice organizations; Assisting as needed

Please send your resume and a cover letter to by Wednesday, May 26th. Thanks!

#UNITEtheStruggles | #OneLove | #WeShallOvercome | #SiSePuede