WNYPC Strategic Planning!

Hello friends,

Thank you for your attendance at our Annual Meeting! As you may know, we are in a strategic planning process, and have identified the following areas to work on within the next few years: 1. Increasing our Membership and Diversity, 2. Communicating Our Culture to the Larger Community, 3. Shared Leadership and Workload, 4. Fund Drives, 5. Activist Academy. We greatly value your input and involvement with our mission of Peace through Justice, at Home and Abroad, and continuing to do the work for the next 52 years! Please reach out to us if you would like to volunteer with us, join one of our social justice taskforces, or have other skills or resources you would like to contribute to our goals. And of course, as always, we encourage everyone to renew their yearly membership and/or make a donation (which we consider membership!). Thank you.

Increasing our Membership and Diversity

    •    Who to reach?  College kids; high schools; neighborhood
    •    How to reach?
       -via college activities
    •    (high school) : Anti-Militarism/counter-recruiting
    •    (neighborhoods) : everybody

Communicating Our Culture to the Larger Community

    •    Religious Organizations/Publications
    •    Educational Institutions / Colleges/ “Say Yes”
    •    Social media (support the verbal with photos) – events
        -Encourage members to “share” posts
    •    Info.  Vending – Outreach Team; tabling

Shared Leadership and Workload

    •    Publicity = Presence
    •    Delegation
    •    More volunteers
    •    More taskforce involvement (tabling,  etc.)
    •    More and different communication of needs (webpage and weekly news announcements of volunteer needs, for example)

Fund Drives

    •    Individuals vs. Larger Corporate
    •    Raffles – Large Item –  Solar Panel?  Bike?      …??
    •    Film festival
    •    Small Facebook fundraisers
    •    Grants/Foundations – in line w/our mission
    •    Continue Love is Love incentive

Activist Academy – workshops for activists
    •    People with knowledge
    •    A plan/structure
    •    Time, curriculum, topics
    •    Multi-topics series. Possible topics
    -Planning rallies    

    -Planning marches
    -Dealing with counter-protestors

    •    Those in opposition: would be minimal;

    •    Do people care/want to be trained? Are they  burned out?

Similar models/other activist training programs
We have skills to transmit, as do others who could be tapped for the Academy