indigenous rights

Posts Tagged ‘indigenous rights’

Talking Peace Radio: Remembering Hiroshima & Nagasaki for a Nuclear-Free Future

Join us for another taping of Talking Peace Radio! On “Remembering Hiroshima & Nagasaki for a Nuclear-Free Future” featuring Jim Anderson, President of Peace Action NYS, Steering Committee Member of Peace Action ( joining us from Japan, where he’s working with the Hibakusha and community of Hiroshima/Nagasaki); Martha Hennessy, Kings Bay Plowshares, Catholic Worker, granddaughter of Dorothy Day (CW founder); Shannon Seneca, Haudenosaunee Environmental Engineer, Mohawk, Turtle Clan, Environmental Health Specialist working as Assistantt Faculty at Roswell Park’s Center for Indigenous Cancer Research, Alternate Member on West Valley Citizen Taskforce; Sameria Mbili, Past President Peace Action Canisius College, Member of WNY Peace Center (WNYPC); with host Victory Ross, WNYPC Board Chair.

Discussion topics will include:

  • values
  • remembering US nuclear bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
  • nuclear weapons are illegal since Jan 2021 passing of Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – campaign for US passing TPNW
  • the danger and destruction of the nuclear chain (mining, refining, weapons, power, waste – here, in Japan, plus…)
  • costs in pollution, human life, suffering in natural world, extreme threat and risk; opportunity cost
  • ways people can help with environmental justice, Indigenous sovereignty, strengthen UN

The show is taped for just under an hour by Think Twice Radio: Home of the Future (thanks to Richard Wicka, our wonderful producer). The Zoom recording, livestreamed on Facebook during the taping, will air on WBNY 91.3FM on the following Monday at 1pm EST. After airing, you can also find the video archived on the WNY Peace Center YouTube channel.

Talking Peace Radio: Indigenous People’s Day

Featuring Kelly Maracle, Mohawk/Seneca, Bear clan, water protector and land defender, Shell River 7; Vicki Ross, WNYPC Board Chair, PANYS Upstate Chair; and more.

UN-declared International Day of World Indigenous People; Indigenous rights and sovereignty (Shell River 7, +++); protecting Mother Earth and the Waters (Water Walk, ceremonies).

Taped and live-streamed on Facebook, YouTube & Twitch; audio broadcast Monday, Aug 8th, 1-2pm on WBNY 91.3FM or