Cariol Horne

Cariol Horne, former Buffalo Police Office and current WNYPC Board Member


This law will empower law enforcement professionals to intervene, without fear of retaliation or termination. 

  • We must support all law enforcement professionals who stand up for the rights and the safety of the people they protect and serve.
  • We must create an environment in which police brutality is shunned and police heroism is respected.
  • We must restore and/or strengthen the relationship between police and the community’s they patrol
  • We must preserve and protect law enforcement professionals’ mental health and reduce the trauma experienced in the line of duty caused by fellow officers.

WNYPC’s Whistleblower Fund

The Whistleblower Fund was organized by the WNYPC’s Racial Justice taskforce under the guidance of Cariol. The WNYPC has created this fund for the purpose of supporting police officers who face reprisals from their department from choosing to strictly uphold their oath to protect and serve the community. 

The WNYPC has named this fund after Cariol Horne who saved the life of a citizen, but was fired just prior to earning her 20 year pension.  Our goal is to encourage good police officers in following their moral conscience if and when it conflicts with the infamous blue wall of silence 

Support former officer Cariol Horne

Fired a decade ago, for stopping the killing of Buffalo resident David Neal Mack, Officer Horne continues with her fight for her pension.  Her stopping police brutality has taken a financial toll and help is need to support her while helping with the ongoing fight for a disability pension.


  1. Cariol’s Law: A Change Needs to Come; Strategies for Justice, June 1st, 2020
  2. Black cop fired after intervening on chokehold: I lost everything; CNN, June 16th, 2020

Thank you, Cariol!

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