Media Archive
Talking Peace with the Western New York Peace Center
December 2020 – Current
Talking Peace link can be found here for our playlist with Think Twice Radio. All episodes are live-streamed via Facebook Live on the Think Twice Radio page. Please check out their page to stay up to date on our live shows!
May 23, 2020:
Special Zoom session of board member Valentino Dixon’s Draw and Talk with Me, featuring local social workers:
August 26, 2019: 0-22:46 Minutes WNY Peace Center Taskforces; 22:46 Minutes thru 1 Hour, 17 Minutes, 5 seconds Clare Grady – Kings Bay Plowshares, rest of show Vicki Ross and Charley Bowman talk. Vicki Ross and Charley Bowman are the hosts. The show was produced by Jack W. Kanack.
August 26, 2019: Clare Grady – Kings Bay Plowshares, Vicki Ross and Charley Bowman host. WNY Peace Center Taskforces; Economic Justice, Environmental Justice Task Force, Gender Justice, Immigrant / Refugee Justice, Latin American Solidarity, Resist Militarism, Education & Human Rights, Prisoners’ Rights, Racial Justice. The show was produced by Jack W. Kanack.
May 7, 2018, Part 3: Vicki Ross, Jack Kanack and DJ Gwen talk to Lynda Schneekloth regarding West Valley and Nuclear Issues. The show was produced by DJ Gwen and Jack W. Kanack.
April 30, 2018, Part 5: Jim Anderson, Jack Kanack, Vicki Ross talk about: the passing of Frank Mesiah longtime Buffalo Civil Rights NAACP Leader and Dr. James H. Cone, Founder of Black Liberation Theology. Vicki Ross sings an inspiring song to close the show. The show was produced by Jack W. Kanack.
April 9, 2018 Show Part 1:
Jim Anderson, Vicki Ross and DJ Gwen talk about current WNY Peace Center Activities and Actions and Voter Registration.
The show was produced by DJ Gwen.
Link to the Show Part 1:
April 9, 2018 Show Part 2:
Jim Anderson, Vicki Ross interview Joseph Gerson, America Friends Service Committee and talk about International Nuclear Disasters, Global Days of Action on Military Spending
The show was produced by DJ Gwen.
Link to the Show Part 2:
April 9, 2018 Show Part 3: Jim Anderson, Jack Kanack, Vicki Ross talk about: Climate Change and Food Security, Poor People’s Campaign, Students for Action, Announcements
The show was produced by Jack W. Kanack.
Link to the Show Part 3:
March 12, 2018 Show Part 1: Jim Anderson, Vicki Ross, DJ Gwen talk about:
Local Events and March for Our Lives
The show was produced by DJ Gwen.
Link to the Show Part 1:
March 12, 2018 Show Part 2: Jim Anderson, Jack Kanack, Vicki Ross, DJ Gwen and telephone guest Kevin Martin, President National Peace Action talk about:
Nuclear Bombs and War and the North Korea Situation
The show was produced by DJ Gwen.
Link to the Show Part 2:
March 12, 2018 Show Part 3: Jim Anderson, Jack Kanack, Russell Brown, Vicki Ross, DJ Gwen and telephone guest Elaine Scarry talk about:
Nuclear Bombs and War
The show was produced by DJ Gwen and Jack W. Kanack.
Link to the Show Part 3:
March 12, 2018 Show Part 4: Jim Anderson, Jack Kanack, Russell Brown and Vicki Ross talk about:
Women Ways Peace Ways, Fly Kites Not Drones
The show was produced by Jack W. Kanack.
Link to the Show Part 4:
March 5, 2018 Show Part 1: Jack Kanack, Jim Anderson, DJ Gwen, and Vicki Ross talk about:
Never Again Vigil, March for Our Lives, Poor People’s Campaign and at the end of the segment Paul Swisher calls about the WNY Peace Center Fundraiser Event with Dooley’s and Hearsay.
The show was produced by DJ Gwen.
Link to the Show Part 1:
March 5, 2018 Show Part 2: Jack Kanack, Charley Bowman, Jim Anderson, DJ Gwen, Lynda Schneekloth and Vicki Ross talk about:
West Valley and Nuclear Waste.
The show was produced by DJ Gwen.
Link to the Show Part 2:
March 5, 2018 Show Part 3: Jack Kanack, Charley Bowman, Jim Anderson, Joy Guarino and Vicki Ross talk about:
Service Learning Project at Buffalo State College.
The show was produced by Jack Kanack.
Link to the Show Part 3:
March 5, 2018 Show Part 4: Jack Kanack, Charley Bowman, Jim Anderson, and Vicki Ross talk about:
Resist Militarism, Drones, Rachel Corrie, Poor People’s Campaign.
The show was produced by Jack Kanack.
Link to the Show Part 4:
March 5, 2018 Show Part 5: Jack Kanack, Charley Bowman, Jim Anderson, Stacy Smith and Vicki Ross talk about:
Fly Kites, Not Drones, Poor Peoples Campaign, Global Day of Listening, Trump Harvest Box, SNAP.
The show was produced by Jack Kanack.
Link to the Show Part 5:
February 5, 2018 Show: Leonard Funderburk, DJ GWEN, Jack Kanack, Russell Brown, Heron Simmonds and Vicki Ross talk about:
- Russell Brown, Chair of the Resist Militarism! Taskforce and President of Veterans’ For Peace #128; talking about those entities as well as
- Sir! No Sir showing on Feb 7
- Huge increase in already very bloated military budget
- Islamophobia
- US complicity in Saudi war crimes; US war crimes
- Heron Simmonds, Chair of the Racial Justice Taskforce and Philosophy Prof (and WNYPC Bd Member).
- Racial justice in a world of institutionalized, systemic, deep racism
- Reparations including Spiritual
- Racism in our policing, criminal Just-Us system
- What would a culture of peace look like?
- Poor People’s Campaign
- history, present , future
- with Rev. Dr. King
- with Rev. Dr. Barber – 3rd reconstruction
- in NC Moral Mondays
- Truth Commission(s) on Poverty (WNY held 1/25)
- numerous events coming up
- Feb 5 Rosa Parks
- 7 – Meech protest
- 12 – At the River I Stand
- 17 – both CEJ training; WNYPC Membership Fling
- 26 – 10,000 Black Men Named George
- Mother’s Day on – 40 days of Action
The 37 minute mark Frank Gage tells a personal life story of him fighting in the Vietnam War.
Link to the Show:
January 29, 2018 Show (2 Parts) WNY Peace Center Task forces and Healthcare
Link to part 1 of the Show:
DJ GWEN, Jack Kanack and Vicki Ross talk about the Women’s March and about the various Western New York Peace Center Task forces.
Link to part 2 of the Show:
Vicki Ross is joined by Kevin Ketchum and Richard Clements talking about Healthcare, Campaign for New York Health, New York Health Care Act, Poor People’s Campaign. Stacy Smith joins the conversation the last 20 minutes of the show. The show is produced by DJ Gwen with Jack Kanack as the Executive Producer.
December 18, 2017 Show comes in five parts
This show is all about introducing people who have not heard about Democracy Now as Democracy Now is coming to WBNY Monday thru Friday drive time from 8 AM to 9 AM. Vicki Ross and Charley Bowman play Democracy Now audio clips and discuss them.
Link to part 1 of the Show:
An opening call from Zach Greymont then Vicki Ross, Charley Bowman, Jack Kanack and Leonard Funderburk discuss the news headlines after playing the Democracy Now Clip of News Headlines.
Link to part 2 of the Show:
Vicki Ross, Charley Bowman, Jack Kanack and Leonard Funderburk discuss the in depth feature story reporting of Democracy Now after playing the Democracy Now Clip”All Eyes on US as Honduran Election Panel Declares Incumbent President Hernandez Election Winner.
Link to part 3 of the Show:
Vicki Ross, Charley Bowman, Jack Kanack and Leonard Funderburk discuss the Tax Bill after playing the Democracy Now Clip “Corker Kickback Senator Supports Tax Bill After Last Minute Provision Would Personally Enrich Him”. A telephone call from Frank Gage on Social Security.
Link to part 4 of the Show:
After a friendly call on the New York State Health Insurance from Frank Gage, Vicki Ross, Charley Bowman, Jack Kanack and Leonard Funderburk discuss Net Neutrality after playing the Democracy Now Clip ” Net Neutrality Advocates on the Next Steps after FCC Vote this fight is far from over”.
Link to part 5 of the Show:
Vicki Ross, Charley Bowman, Jack Kanack and Leonard Funderburk discuss the Trump Impeachment after playing the Democracy Now Clip “Constitutional Expert Says Move to Impeach Trump can proceed without derailing criminal probe”.
December 11, 2017 Show
Link to the Show:
Vicki Ross and Jack Kanack are joined by Jim Anderson co-hosting for the first 53 minutes, with callers Jill Yagwoneest Claus starting the 24 minute mark and Pudafey starting the 1 Hour 48 minute minute mark. Topics discussed in order were Human Rights Day, ICAN, Nobel Prize, Net Neutrality, Communications, Human Rights, Western New York Peace Center, Democracy Now, Poor Peoples Campaign, Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear Power, Trauma and the Broken Alert System.
The show was produced and edited by Jack W. Kanack
December 4, 2017 Show (3 Parts)
Part 1: Upcoming Events
Link to the Show:
Vicki Ross, Jack Kanack and Leonard Funderburk Discuss Upcoming Events and Actions.
Link to the Show:
Vicki Ross, Jack Kanack and Leonard Funderburk talk with Anthony Baney regarding Medical Mariquina, Healthcare and the Criminal Justice System.
Link to the Show:
Vicki Ross, Jack Kanack and Leonard Funderburk talk with Sarah Sorci President of Sweet Flag Herbs regarding Herbal Medication as an alternative.
The show is Produced by Jack Kanack with Leonard Funderburk in Training Co-Producing.
November 20, 2017 Show
Link to the Show:
Vicki Ross talks about Chris Collins and the Demonstrate the Truth Tax Scam for the first 20 minutes of the show.
The remainder of the show Vicki is joined by Russell Brown and Bruce Beyer and they talk about the film Peace Has No Borders, Yemen, Naval Park, Munitions.
The show is Produced by Jack Kanack with Leonard Funderburk in Training Co-Producing
November 13, 2017 Show
Link to the Show:
Vicki Ross talks about a lecture given by Kathy Kelly coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence, and we receive a call from Dave Cashmier talking about the Puerto Rico post hurricane crises in the first hour alone.Jack Kanack talks with Vicki Ross thru the 45 minute mark and then Charley Bowman calls in with Environmental Issues – the final 15 minutes we receive a call from Jay Egg talking Geothermal.Jack W. Kanack Produced the first 45 minutes and Taylor Doty Produced the last 45 minutes.
October 30, 2017 Show
Link to the Show:
Jim Anderson and Vicki Ross co-hosting and promoting the WNY Peace Center 50th Dinner Friday November 3, 2017 with Guest Speaker Amy Goodman host of Democracy Now .
1 PM to 1:30 PM Vicki and Jim talk about and promoted the WNY Peace Center 50th Dinner Friday November 3, 2017 with Guest Speaker Amy Goodman host of Democracy Now .
1:30 PM thru 2 PM Anne Marie Butler – WNY Peace Center Immigrant Refugee Justice Task Force – ICE.
2 PM thru 2:30 PM Resist Militarism and Criminal Justice.
2:30 PM thru 3 PM Marty McGee WNY Peace Center 50th Dinner Friday November 3, 2017 with Guest Speaker Amy Goodman host of Democracy Now .
The show was produced by Jack Kanack from 1 PM thru 2 PM and Taylor Doty from 2 PM thru 3 PM.
October 23, 2017 Show
Link to the Show:
Jim Anderson and Vicki Ross co-hosting and promoting the WNY Peace Center 50th Dinner Friday November 3, 2017 with Guest Speaker Amy Goodman host of Democracy Now .
1 PM to 1:30 PM Vicki and Jim talk about Amy Goodman
1:30 PM thru 2 PM WNY Peace Center Task forces.
2 PM thru 2:30 PM Nuclear Issues
2:30 PM thru 3 PM WNY Peace Center Award Winners and their history.
The show was produced by Jack Kanack from 1 PM thru 2 PM and Taylor Doty from 2 PM thru 3 PM.
October 16, 2017 Show
Link to the Show:
Jim Anderson and Vicki Ross co-hosting.
1 PM to 2 PM Special guest Lynda Schneekloth, Sierra Club, Waterkeepers, regarding Nuclear Issues, HR Bill 3053, Cuomo $ 7.6 Billion Nuclear Bailout, Yucca Mountain.
2 PM thru 3 PM Justuana Jordan (Jay) and Karizmaa Christiani, representatives of Buffalo State’s Pan-African Students.
The show was produced by Jack Kanack.
October 9, 2017 Show
Link to the Show:
Jim Anderson and Heron Simmonds Price have an interview with Mike Ferguson who for no apparent reason got pulled over by Buffalo Police at Gunpoint on the east side and placed in a patrol vehicle as his car looked suspicious – discussed were what actions can you take if this happens to you and why does this happen. The show was produced by Jack Kanack.
October 2, 2017 Show
Link to the Show:
1 PM to 1:30 PM Vicki Ross, Dylan Schlosser, and Jack Kanack talk Gun Violence and the tragic events that happened in Las Vegas, Nevada. Show Produced by Jack Kanack.
1:30 PM to 2 PM Vicki Ross, Dylan Schlosser, and Jack Kanack talk about the Anne Frank Project, World on Your Plate and Trump Proposed Tax Plan. Show Produced by Jack Kanack.
2 PM to 3 PM Vicki Ross, Dylan Schlosser, Heron Simmonds and Jack Kanack talk Drones, Police with Drones, Militarization of the Police, Gun Violence and Amy Goodman. Show Produced by Taylor Doty.
September 25, 2017
Link to the Show:
1 PM to 2 PM Vicki Ross and Producer Jack Kanack welcome Eveline Hartz, talking about World on Your Plate -14th Annual Conference Focusing on Food, Nutrition, Environment, Farming and Politics 2017: Friday, October 6, 5pm – 9pm and Saturday October 7, 8:30am – 5pm Daemen College – 4380 Main Street Wick Student Center, Amherst, NY 14226 – and GMO’s.
2 PM to 2:30 PM Vicki Ross and Jack Kanack talk about the WNY Peace Center Calendar of Events – the Humanities Festival, LASC Peace and Holding Police Accountable.
2:30 PM to 3 PM Lars Lewis and Jacob Fyock from the WBNY Sports Department join Vicki Ross to discuss the NFL protests during the National Anthem, CTE and Football Violence. 2 PM to 3 PM was produced by Taylor Doty.
September 18, 2017
Link to the show:
Vicki Ross and Jim Anderson talk with Dylan Schlosser from 1 PM to 2 PM about the Peace Justice Non Violence Festival and Ban the Bomb Treaty. From 2 PM to 2:30 PM the group talks about CEDAW , Healthcare and Economic Justice. After the 2:30 PM break the group closes out the last half hour of the show with WNY Peace Center Task Forces. Produced by Jack Kanack from1 PM to 2 PM and Taylor Doty from 2 PM to 3 PM.
Publication date 2017-09-17
Topics Ross Kanack Grant Mayoral Anderson Buffalo Primary
Vicki Ross interviews Betty Jean Grant on the eve of the Buffalo Mayoral Primary from 1 PM – 2 PM. 2PM to 3 PM Vicki Ross and Jack Kanack, 3 PM to 4 PM Vicki Ross and Jim Anderson Terry Bisson with Maya Faces and The Smoking Mirror World Premier.
September 11, 2017 Ross, Kanack, Grant, Anderson, Bisson
editEdit gearManage by Jack W. Kanack
July 17, 2017 show
Link to the show:
Jim Anderson interviews Joseph Gershwin, Larry Witner, Kevin Martin, Paul Martin
The show is produced by Jack W. Kanack
Link to the show:
National Fuel Gas (NFG) proposes to build a gigantic 22,000 H.P. compressor station in Pendelton NY. The compressor will be near residential neighborhoods and a school. A local activist group, The Pendelton Action Team, weighs in on this proposal. More info: or facebook: PendeltonActionTeam
August 10, 2015: Cynthia Banas
Cynthia Banas: Bringing Peace and Justice to the World
In January 2015 and again the following April, I had the honor to interview Upstate NY resident and lifetime peace activist Cynthia Banas at the Slocum House in Syracuse NY.
Now 85 years of age, Cynthia speaks about her life’s work in Iraq, Haiti, Guatemala and most recently at the drone base at Hancock Field in the Town of DeWitt NY.
In March 2003, as an act of solidarity with the Iraqi people and protest against the upcoming war, she and 30 other Americans put their lives at risk to visit Baghdad Iraq to live through the American bombing campaign called “Shock and Awe”. Cynthia tells what it’s like living under weeks long bombing raids, what she saw in the Baghdad hospitals prior to the war, what happened to the Iraqi cultural institutions in the aftermath of the war, and what it’s like to experience the jails of Syracuse NY.
Please be Shocked and Awed by what Cynthia has to say about her wonderful life.
The title of today’s show is: Cynthia Banas: Bringing Peace and Justice to the World
December 28, 2015: Racial Justice and Community Policing
Racial Justice and Community Policing
with host Vicki Ross, Director, WNY Peace Center, Inc., Dr. Haron Simmonds-Price, Rev. James Giles and Russell Brown
This show aired Dec 28, 2015 on WBNY 91.3 FM.