
Article 27: Right to Cultural, Artistic & Scientific Life

This article firmly incorporates cultural rights as human rights for all. They relate to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, and to creative responses to a constantly changing world. A prerequisite for implementing Article 27 is ensuring the necessary conditions for everyone to continuously engage in critical thinking, and to have the opportunity to interrogate, investigate and contribute ideas, regardless of frontiers.

Article 14: Right to Asylum

Article 14 of the UDHR grants the right to seek and enjoy asylum from persecution. This right, in addition to the right to leave one’s own country (Article 13), and the right to nationality (Article 15), can be traced directly to events of the Holocaust. Many countries whose drafters worked on the UDHR were acutely aware that they had turned away Jewish refugees, likely condemning them to death. In addition, many Jews, Roma and others hunted by the Nazis had been unable to leave Germany to save their lives.

Article 9- No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

The Universal Declaration of Human rights states arbitrary and detention when arrested and detained is unlawful. Without due process and legal protection of a fair trial by a government official it goes against our human rights. Arbitrary and detention are used to intimidate individuals and is a tactic used by government officials.