July 16th, 2020
We are so excited to present an amazing opportunity for those interested in supporting the continued efforts of the WNYPC. The extraordinarily talented artist Amanda Besl created a special original portfolio of linoleum prints, ‘React’, ‘Resist’, and ‘Reform’, and is offering 20 limited editions of each. Resource:Art is hosting the sale of these works, which can be purchased on ArtFare, Facebook, and Instagram. They explain that Besl created these works “as a reaction to the current social justice crisis facing our nation.” We feel especially honored that all proceeds from the sale of these prints will be donated to WNYPC. You can find Amanda’s full artist’s statement on the project here.

This incredible support comes at a time when we are accepting *MATCHED* donations to the Father Joe Bissonette Fund for the WNY Peace Center. Through August, contributions of $100 or more can get you one of Amanda’s beautiful limited edition pieces (while supplies last), plusyour choice of the #RESIST or #LoveIsLove lawn sign, AND have your donation matched!!! For more information and to contribute, please visit the fundraiser page on our website. We truly cannot do this work with you and are so grateful for your support!
We are also happy to report that first week of our 13th annual youth summer camp, Camp Peaceprints, was a huge success! We were lucky to have special Poet Jillian Hanesworth,and Shawnte Wilson of (A)typical Social Work(er) join us, as well as activist and PC Board member Valentino Dixon, and Union Theological Seminary alumnus Addie Pazzynski! We also went on an amazing virtual field trip to MACHU PICCHU (PERU) – next week we will be ‘visiting’ KENYA! Registration is still open for week 2 with a sliding scale of up to $25/week (with scholarships readily available)! is 100% online this year due to the public health crisis, but we offer games, recreation/physical activities, art projects, music, and mindfulness. Please register ASAP so that we can deliver packets with snacks, art supplies, etc. for use during camp.
We also urge you to make calls: to DA John Flynn’s office (716-858-2400) to urge the dropping of Myles Carter’s charges of obstruction and disorderly conduct for peaceful protest (he was tackled by police while being interviewed); and to our senators and reps (202-224-3121) for resumption and increase in aid to Yemen, and adoption of amendments to the NDAA that would decrease the military budget by 10% (not enough of a decrease, but we’d take it!). More info on each at our website’s homepage.
The fight for racial justice continues at Niagara Square. Our own Racial Justice Taskforcecontinues to work independently and is also connecting with those at the Square and elsewhere. There is still daily activity at Niagara/Liberation Square thanks to the WNY Liberation Collective.
Please see details and much more below, including other special events this week, regularly scheduled events, campaigns, fundraisers, and more at, on our Facebook page, Twitter (@wnypeace), and Instagram (@wnypeace)!
Peace, thanks, solidarity and yes – love.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
*** Please refer to our website for details on our *UPDATED* REGULARLY SCHEDULED (monthly/weekly) EVENTS and ‘Helping Hands’ resources. We also update our SPECIAL EVENT CALENDAR often as we learn of new events, so please be sure to check back regularly! ***
Outside at Armory Park, behind the Isaias Gonzalez-Soto Branch Library at the corner of Porter Ave. & Niagara St. in Buffalo. Please bring a mask and practice physical distancing. We want to celebrate our recent victories – including the Columbus statue being removed and the park being renamed; half of Oklahoma being declared Indigenous territory under treaty; and DAPL being outlawed – as well as to build coalition to unite us, our struggles, our visions, and movement for all of the work we have ahead of us.
On YouTube Live. Join us as we remember the 67th anniversary of the Korean War armistice with four Korean American women who will share their experiences with the continuing Korean war and how it has affected their lives. Featuring speakers Joy Bokshin Lee Gebhard, Minju Bae, Grace Choi, and Aiyoung Choi. Hosted by Korea Peace Network, Korea Peace Now! Grassroots Network, Peace Treaty Now.
#UNITE | #OneLove | #WeShallOvercome | #SiSePuede!