National Call-in day to Cut Pentagon Funding by 10%

We need you to make a call to your members of Congress today to urge them to support a critical amendments to cut Pentagon funding by 10%.

If you’ll recall, there are amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to cut the Pentagon budget by 10% in both the House and the Senate. Sponsored by Reps Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Mark Pocan (D-WI) in the House and Senators Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Ed Markey (D-MA), and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), the amendment would free up a much needed $74 billion for healthcare, affordable housing, and improvements to education programs, etc.

We’ve already had Sen. Schumer support the amendment! [1] This is HUGE. The Minority Leader’s support signals that the movement to make real cuts to the Pentagon is gaining traction beyond the usual suspects.And we do expect Sen. Gillibrand and Congressman Higgins will do so as well.

Great news – your efforts are making a difference!

Since we last contacted you to take action, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has added his name in support of the amendment.

A vote is likely on these amendments next week! Even if you’ve already taken action, it’s still imperative that you make this call as well to keep the momentum and pressure up!

Here’s what we need you to do today:

1. Call the Congressional switchboard at 1-202-224-3121
2. Ask to be connected to one of your member’s offices
3. Once connected, say:

For your House Representative –
Hello, my name is (your name) and I am a voting constituent from (your city). I am calling to urge my representative to support an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act by Reps Barbara Lee and Mark Pocan, which calls for cutting 10% off the Pentagon budget. This important step would free up $74 billion for healthcare, affordable housing, and improvements to education programs. The main threats to our true security, like the global health pandemic we find ourselves facing today, will not be solved militarily. By over-prioritizing the Pentagon and military solutions, our country is drastically underprepared for the crises that we are most likely to face. I look forward to hearing what the representative’s position is on this important issue.

For your Senators –
Hello, my name is (your name) and I am a voting constituent from (your city). I am calling to urge the senator to support an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act by Senator Sanders, Markey, and Warren, which calls for cutting 10% off the Pentagon budget. This important step would free up $74 billion for healthcare, affordable housing, and improvements to education programs. The main threats to our true security, like the global health pandemic we find ourselves facing today, will not be solved militarily. By over-prioritizing the Pentagon and military solutions, our country is drastically underprepared for the crises that we are most likely to face. I look forward to hearing what the senator’s position is on this important issue.

The stakes today could hardly be higher. Over 40 million people are unemployed. More than 138,000 people have died from COVID-19, and thousands more are likely to perish. 5.4 million Americans have lost their health care during the pandemic. All the while, Congress is focusing on handing the Pentagon $740,000,000,000. Your time to act is now. Please call your members of Congress today and demand they do better.
Thank you for taking the time to act for a better tomorrow.

P.S. If your senators are Sanders, Markey, Warren, or Schumer, be sure to make the call and thank them for supporting this important amendment. To see if your representative is already a cosponor, click here
