Bruce Beyer, Presente ….

716-332-3904 716-931-3520 April 16, 2019

Dear Friends,

So very sad and sorry to tell you all that Bruce Beyer, War Resister and Peace Activist extraordinaire; father, grandfather, and husband; former WNY Peace Center Board Member; organizer of Peace Has No Borders; devoted supporter of many who left the armed services to stop the terror of all kinds, …. Bruce has passed away.

His wonderful and devoted daughter, Liz, wrote yesterday:

“It is with a heavy heart that I write this post. This morning, just after 2am my father left this earth. With epic thunderstorms, the earth and sky made way to accept all of his energy.

We thank everyone for all of the love we have felt from so many people. My dad asked that we do not hold a memorial service for him and our family is respecting those wishes. Those who know my father know how generous he is, and with that I want to share that he made the decision to donate his body to UB’s Anatomical Gift Program.”

Bruce was a courageous and compassionate man, never hesitating to stand up for his (also our) beliefs, and to call it like he saw it. As one of the Buffalo Nine, draft resisters during the war on Vietnam, Bruce was a high profile peace activist who paid a heavy price including leaving his home and country to stand up for Peace and Justice, as well as coming back to again stand up for his beliefs. His lifelong integrity is an inspiration and a joy to all who knew him.

Here is a link to an article he wrote for our friends at the Public:

Here is his obituary – what a life well lived!!!! – from the Buffalo news:

He will be so sorely missed…. As, in accordance with his wishes, there will be no memorial service, we’ll remember Bruce in our hearts and when we need an inspiring example of Truth-Telling, Integrity, and Love.

Bruce Beyer, Presente …. Rest in Peace… In Gratitude, Solidarity, and Love. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3