Tonight, 4/11: Frida Berrigan – yes!! – 7pm at Burning Books

Dear Friends,

Don’t miss Frida Berrigan – tonight 4/11, 7pm at Burning Books (420 Connecticut Ave). It will be a very special treat to hear Frida Berrigan talk about  being raised by radicals and growing into rebellious motherhood.

We are honored to cosponsor this very special event and opportunity to hear a very wise, wonderful, committed, and compassionate woman and her family. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

Learn too about the Kings Bay Plowshares – seven courageous Catholic plowshares activists who are currently facing 25 years for entered Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base in St. Mary’s, Georgia on April 4th, 2018, and going on to make real the prophet Isaiah’s command to “beat swords into plowshares”.

The seven are
–Elizabeth McAlister, 78, of Jonah House, Baltimore – Frida’s mother and the widow of Fr. Phil Berrigan;
–Fr. Steve Kelly SJ, 69, of the Bay Area, California;
–Carmen Trotta, 55, of the New York Catholic Worker;
–Clare Grady, 59, of the Ithaca Catholic Worker; –
-Martha Hennessy, 62, of the New York Catholic Worker; –
-Mark Colville, 55, of Amistad Catholic Worker, New Haven, Connecticut; and –
-Patrick O’Neill, 61, of the Fr. Charlie Mulholland Catholic Worker, Garner, North Carolina.

The seven chose to act on the 50th anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who devoted his life to addressing what he called the “triple evils of militarism, racism and materialism.” Carrying hammers and baby bottles of their own blood, the seven attempted to convert weapons of mass destruction. They hoped to call attention to the ways in which nuclear weapons kill every day, by their mere existence and maintenance.

Kings Bay Naval base opened in 1979 as the Navy’s Atlantic Ocean Trident port. It is the largest nuclear submarine base in the world. There are six ballistic missile subs and two guided missile subs based at Kings Bay.

The activists went to three sites on the base: The SWFLANT administration building, the D5 Missile monument installation and the nuclear weapons storage bunkers. The activists used crime scene tape, hammers and hung banners reading: “The ultimate logic of racism is genocide – Dr. Martin Luther King”, “The ultimate logic of Trident is omnicide” and “Nuclear weapons: illegal / immoral.” They also brought an indictment charging the U.S. government for crimes against peace.

Learn more and please sign the petition to dismiss the charges at

We hope to see you at Burning Books tonight! #UnitetheStruggles #KingsBayPlowshares #Guantanamo

Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, and of course Love.