50th!! Thanks Amy!/DN! and All; events today here, on-line …

Dear Friends!           716-332-3904; 716-931-3520         11/5/17

So many to thank for the WNY Peace Center’s 50th Annual Dinner with Amy Goodman!! Some 500 came –  sorry, those of you we missed! – we’ll catch you next time!

This brings new fervor to our efforts: our Democracy Now!-in-WNY Campaign!! Or #DN!WNY Please call WBFO/WNED to let them know we need to have Democracy Now! broadcast in WNY!! Please fill out the Audience Services Contact Form. Or call Audience Services 716-845-7000 ext.343. Urge them to facilitate our getting the news we need.

Meanwhile, sign up for their Daily Digest at https://www.democracynow.org/ (bottom of page) – in English and/or Spanish!

Lots going on today: very exciting pairing of the Poor People’s Campaign with Veterans for Peace! We are getting there: today Sunday, Nov 5, in Raleigh N Carolina and ON-LINE, Rev. William J. Barber II of the renewed Poor People’s Campaign (originally initiated in 1967 by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King – yes another 50th!!) is meeting with Matthew Hoh of Veterans for Peace to combine against Militarism, Poverty, Racism, and Ecological Devastation. You can stream ONLINE at 6pm EST. Tweet using hashtags #WarEconomy #PoorPeoplesCampaign #VeteransForPeace

Riverside Salem UCC/DC will have a special program today at 4pm on Pilgrimages; and our allies at WNYMuslims are holding their wonderful Collective Banquet (see both below).

Kathy Kelly, vcnv.org,  and Joe Egg, Geothermal expert, will be on our radio show on Monday.

The Dinner was wonderful – Media celebrated – and the Sacred Defended. And the Community was Beloved.

We are giving special DVDs of our dear Pete Seeger’s 2013 “key” at our 2013 Annual Dinner (his last fully public performance) as a thank-you for memberships!!

What’s breaking news is that a generous anonymous donor has promised to **match** $100 donations to/memberships with the WNYPC. This ***WNYPC Jubilee Fund*** will help the WNY Peace Center do all it needs to do in the next 50 years!!! (You’ll agree, we need to do a lot – and hopefully fast!!)
Again, don’t miss truth-teller Amy Goodman by checking out democracynow.org!

We still have some #loveisloveBUF signs – call us to keep the campaign going. (Yes, we distributed some 1000 altogether in about 2 – separate – weeks!)

Below are event listings; campaigns; and regularly scheduled events – all in that order. And be sure to go to our calendar at wnypeace.org/calendar for more event listings – they are there and new ones keep right on coming! …..

You can always find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

Happy to be building Rev. Dr. King’s Beloved Community with you and us all!! #loveisloveBUF




Sun, Nov 5. Collective Awards Banquet, WNY Muslims and Allies. Go to wnypeace.org/wny-muslims-collective-awards-banquet/

Sat, Nov 11. Celebrate Peace instead of War!! 11am at the Homeless Jesus outside St. Paul’s Cathedral, Cathedral Sq at Main & Church Sts, Buffalo.

Tues, Nov 14, Kathy Kelly will speak!! “Breaking Every Chain: Unshakling Ourselves from Endless Wars.” 7pm Buffalo State College, Bulger Communications Center, Rm South 2, 2nd Floor.




The Western New York Peace Center has created a fund for the purpose of supporting police officers who face reprisals from their department from choosing to strictly uphold their oath to protect and serve the community.  gofundme.com/cariol-horne-whistleblower-fund. The Peace Center has named this fund after Cariol Horne who saved the life of a citizen, but was fired just prior to earning her 20 year pension.  Our goal is to encourage good police officers in following their moral conscience if and when it conflicts with the infamous blue wall of silence ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_wall_of_silence).
As you know, people desperately need our help because of the devastation caused by “natural” disasters (read fossil-fuel-burning-generated Climate Catastrophe). You can contribute as follows:

Puerto Rico– Belle Center, 104 Maryland St. Bflo 14201
716-845-0485 (tax deductible).  Water, clothes, blankets, other supplies being collected for shipment; as well as $.

Cuba———Alliance for Global Justice/Irma Relief, 418 W. 145th St.. New York, NY 10031(for tax deductible)
(Not tax deductible, IFCO/Irma Relief (same address) Phone: 212-926-5757

And Chiapas is in danger of more quakes.  You can donate, via Paypal, a Los Topos: donativos@brigada-rescate-topos.org


Donations for Puerto Rico – we also recommend: Paypal address:  cdpecpr@gmail.com

The address above is for the Mutual Aid Community Soup Kitchens run by

Giovanni Roberto, friend of MaryAnne Grady Flores (UpstateDroneAction.org and Puerto Rico activist), feeding up to 1,000 meals a day in Cayay.

They have other community sites in other towns like Guaynabo and Caguas.

The Mariafund.org is another fund governed by many grassroots community groups.
Please give generously – the situations continue to be terrible for many!!


Gender Justice Taskforce
If you believe that discrimination against all women should be eliminated please support enacting the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in the city of Buffalo. Follow this link for more information: https://cities4cedaw-buffalo.org/ and contact your district’s councilperson to urge them to support this ordinance too.
Darius G. Pridgen- Ellicott District- 716-851-4980
Christopher P. Scanlon- South District- 716-851-5169
David A. Rivera- Niagara District- 716-851-5125
Joel P. Feroleto- Delaware District- 716-851-5155
Richard A. Fontana- Lovejoy District- 716-851- 5151
David A. Franczyk- Fillmore District- 716-851-4138
Joseph Golombek, Jr.- North District- 716-851-5116
Ulysees O. Wingo, Sr.- Masten District- 716-851-5145
Rasheed Wyatt- University District- 716-851-5165


Economic Justice Taskforce

Please call our state senators and ask them to support The New York Health Act, the bill to guarantee health care to all New Yorkers, passed the NY State Assembly for the third consecutive year in 2017. Call now to help #PassNYHealth in the State Senate. Contact info is on our website
wnypeace.org/governmental-contact-info/). Learn more nyhcampaign.org


Resist Militarism! Taskforce

See event listings above.

Check out the wonderful Nonviolent Direct Action and Civil Resistance of the Seven arrested in the Rich Man’s War, Poor People’s Blood action at Hancock Air National Guard Base upstatedroneaction.org/
Please support Roots Action’s call for a ban of weaponized drones:

Please call your Senators and Congresspersons to urge them to:
– vote in favor and cosponsor if possible Senator Markey’s Bill # 200 and House Bill, Rep Lieu # 669, to Restrict First Strike with Nuclear Weapons; and
– support signing on the Ban the Bomb Treaty being discussed now at the UN.

And lastly, please sign on to Credo Action’s Stop Police Militarization petition here.


Immigrant & Refugee Justice Taskforce

Events/meetings on 11/2, 11/4, and retreat Nov. 10-12. See wnypeace.org calendar

Please call your NYS Assembly Members and ask them to support NYS ASSEMBLY Bill #4050. The GreenLight NY program restores access to drivers’ licenses to all community members, to avoid abusive immigration enforcement.  For more info, please go to
https://www.facebook.com/GreenLightNY/; Green Light Petition
Vive la Casa, shelter for people awaiting documents and/or sanctuary, still desperately needs personal hygiene products and of course, CASH.
(Checks to Jericho Road/VIVE) 50 Wyoming St., Buffalo, NY 14211, 892-4354.
Please support the Sanctuary Church, Pilgrim St. Luke’s UCC, (Utica and Richmond, Buffalo, NY 14222), with CASH to support the construction of showers.
For more info, call the Church at 716-885-9443, or go to http://pslucc.org/


REGULARLY SCHEDULED EVENTS in the One Movement, One Struggle

Riverside-Salem UCC/DC Sunday, Nov. 5: PILGRIMAGES with Jon & Cathy Rieley-Goddard and all of us. Followed by potluck. Sundays, 4-7pm. **Environmental Cottage, 3449 West River Road, Grand Island** Yes – at the Cottage (now corrected).
Also: Western Association MeetingLunch at 1:00; worship and business 2:00-4:30; Place: ***New Covenant United Church of Christ, 459 Clinton Street, Buffalo.  Cost is $8.00.

Talking Peace with the WNY Peace Center Radio Show on 91.3FM, WBNY
Mondays, 1-3pm. Vicki Ross hosting. With Kathy Kelly, Voices for Creative Nonviolence; and Jay Egg, Geothermal Heating & Cooling. Go to wbny.buffalostate.edu or http://tunein.com/radio/WBNY-913-s27549/.

Buffalo Supports Standing Rock Water Protectors/Nekanesakt
1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 6:30-8pm. All are welcome.

Interfaith Peace Network
1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, breakfast pot-luck 8-9:30am, NRC, 1272 Delaware Ave, Buffalo NY 14209 (entrance and parking round back).

Environmental Justice Taskforce
Protest the Shipments of VERY Dangerous Radioactive Liquid from Canada.
Fridays 2-3pm, Front Park, Buffalo.

Fridays – 1st and 3rd of the month; 6pm: Stop The Violence Coalition,
United Way Building, Delaware and Summer Sts.

Saturdays, Noon-1pm: Women In Black. Nonviolence vigil, Bidwell and Elmwood.

More listings on website (wnypeace.org) and in previous email posts.
Please submit possible listings for consideration to weeklynews@wnypeace.org.
Also send requests to get onto Weekly News listserve to
To unsubscribe, please reply with “unsubscribe” in subject line. (Sorry
for occasional delays!)
Many thanks, peace, solidarity, and yes – Love. We shall overcome!!