Sat. May 6 Immigrants Solidarity March

Immigrants Solidarity March – National Day of Action
Saturday, May 6, Rally, 1pm

Show and share the Buffalove of our welcoming community for all our brothers and sisters!! Health care is included – it’s part of caring!

Please dress warmly, and waterproof yourself and your signs! (and/or bring umbrellas  ;-)! The Love and Solidarity in our hearts will counter the weather and the threats in the political environment. Details below. Please share and come!

Gather at Massachusetts Ave Playground (by Winter St) and walk, with speakers, music (incl Ismail & Co), and inspiration! Rally at 1pm, with walk at 1:30 up Lawrence to Hampshire to Grant St – where we’ll stop at West Side Bazaar – on to Lafayette (with a brief talk at Lafayette High School), past Colonial Circle’s General Bidwell, down Richmond to finish at Pilgrim-St. Luke’s UCC, a declared sanctuary church. There’ll be a welcome at the church with tabling, SNACK-LUCK, etc. as well. The #Buffalo25 will be representing. Pilgrim-St Luke’s UCC also is a shelter for any or all throughout the event, especially to get out of the weather. Bienvenidos/Karibu/Bienvenu!


Understanding I.C.E and Border Patrol in WNY – Local efforts to protect immigrants
7-9 pm Monday May 22, 2017.  Network for Religious Communities, 1272 Delaware Ave.  parking behind building.   Sponsored by LASC and WNY Peace Center

We need to hold Customs and Border Protection practices accountable, and to control any harmful and aggressive operations in our border-zone communities. Guest speakers include
John Lory Ghertner MD (Migrant Support Services Wayne County, and Greater Rochester Coalition for Immigration Justice) and Peter Mares (Rural and Migrant Ministry).