Environmental, Immigrant/Refugee, Indigenous actions +

3/17/2017       (716-332-3904 or 716-931-3520 for more info)
Dear Friends,

The National Days of Action Planning has been rescheduled for Thursday, March 23, at 6pm at WNYPC, NRC Building, 1272 Delaware Ave. (entrance & parking round back). See below (under Peaceful Conflict Resolution) for more info.

Many, many thanks to Paul Swisher, Paul Yates, George Puleo, Greg
Opalinski, David Kane, Myron Deputat, Jack Prybyeski, Jim Linsner, Frank
Pusateri, and the Dooleys!! Our fun(d)raiser 4-7pm at the Sportsmen’s
Tavern was a rousing success. The  MPP – Major Progress Program – brought
together wonderful people, great music, and excellent support for the
WNYPC! We couldn’t be more grateful, and hope to have an MPP again before
long!! Again, great all round!!

As usual many announcements follow. See you out there!

Peace/Salam/Shalom/Shanti!    Nya weh/Asanti/Gracias/Tashakor/Thanks!!


* Sun, March 19 – Significant Impact Walk. Visit local landowners who face eminent domain by NAPL. Contact Joe Gibson, Clean Air Council, jgibson@cleanair.org , (716)444-6427. Volunteer videographers and photographer welcome. Bring a picnic and your musical talents and celebrate the last day of winter together! Dress warmly.

* Mon, March 20 – Please join us for the WBNY Environmental (incl Talking Peace) A day long radio show with speakers, Jack Kanack, Lynda Schneekloth, Joanne Hamiester, Bob Cielsieski, Charley Bowman, and many more! For a complete listing, WNYPeace.org , event page.
Those who are out of town can receive the broadcast via the internet at wbny.buffalostate.edu – click on the “listen now!” button under the 91.3 or http://tunein.com/radio/WBNY-913-s27549/
The show will be rebroadcasted on Monday, April 3, 2017 from 10 AM to 6 PM.

* Weds, March 22, 6-8pm Coexisting with Coyotes! Grand Island; Huth Road
Elementary School (1773 Huth Road, Grand Island, NY 14072).
Citizen Coalition for Wildlife and Environment and Animal Advocates of WNY
To present a coyote educational event featuring Lesley Sampson, Wildlife Specialist, from Coyote Watch Canada.
The event is free, and doors open 6pm with presentation at 7pm. Learn about
coyote ecology, behavior and techniques to reduce human-coyote conflicts.

* Mon, March 27, Bus to NO NORTHERN ACCESS PIPELINE Rally in Albany. 6:15 am – 8:15 pm. Sign up at niagarasierraclub.com or eventbrite link below. Bus from WNY to Albany:
6:15am: We will meet at University at Buffalo, Main St. campus, in the Park and Ride lot (across from Tim Horton’s, next to University Station train stop; this will allow us to park there all day. For more info, go to wnypeace.org calendar event listing; or for further information and to sign up please go to:
Or call Joe at 716-444-6427.



* Thurs, March 23, 6pm, National Days of Action Planning Session, 1272
Delaware Ave., entrance round back. Come help plan for upcoming events including People for a Free Press(date tbd);
April 15 – Tax March
April 22 –  March for Science (starts at Soldiers’ Circle, 1pm, continuing to Delaware Park)
April 29 – People’s March for Climate and Peace
May 6 – Immigrants’ March
[June 3 – Dyke March; being planned by Pride Center; also June 10 or 11
National GLBTQIA]

* Fri, March 17, 2:45pm, Raise the Age press conference and gathering,
East High School. Please come out to show your support for not treating
16-17 year-olds as adults in the Criminal Justice System. NYS and NC are
the only states that do!! Let’s stop it now!!

* Sun, March 19, 1pm, Interfaith Prayer Vigil, Hindu Cultural Center,1595
North French Road, Williamsville, NY 14221 ) For the victims of recent
hate crime related attacks at Olathe, Kansas; Lancaster County, South
Carolina; and Kent, Washington. The goal of this event is to foster love
and support for every community in attendance. We will all join together
to say “Love is stronger than hate.”

* Sat, March 25, 8pm, “If it ain’t broke – Break it!” Anat Hoffman,
Temple Beth Zion, 805 Delaware Ave., Buffalo. Women of the Wall leader and Jewish women’s rights activist Anat Hoffman will speak. Reception to

* Weds, March 29, 6-8:30pm, Indigenous Populations and Human Rights In
North America, 101 Baldy Hall 6:00 PM. Featuring “Highway of Tears,” a
documentary about the missing and murdered Aboriginal women along Canada’s Highway-6. Followed by additional short clips regarding human rights and Indigenous populations; and a discussion moderated by Agnes Williams, coordinator at Indigenous Women’s Initiatives. Free and open to the public.

*Thurs, March 30, 8:30am-4:30pm, Indigenous Women: Human Rights
Protections and Activism. Symposium by UBSSW and partners (incl WNYPC).
Central Public Library, Buffalo.
The two activism topics explored are: human rights re the Stolen Sisters
(hundreds of murdered and missing Indigenous women from First Nations in
Canada); and Indigenous peoples’ use of technology for activism (e.g.,
#NoDAPL). We are honored to have as our keynote speaker, Beverly Jacobs,
Mohawk, Six Nations of the Grand River, activist, attorney, and the former head of the Native Women’s Association of Canada. The afternoon session will also feature panels on Activism by Indigenous Youth, the Role of Elders, and Coalition Building. See WNYPC calendar event page for more info.

* Thurs, March 30, 6-8pm, Historical Trauma. Learn about the
intergenerational aspects of trauma; led by Dior Lindsey. Elim Christian
Fellowship, 70 Chalmers Ave, Buffalo 14214. Put on by Buffalo Association
of Black Social Workers.

* Thursday, March 30, 7:30 p.m., Sr. Ilia Delio, speaking at Montante
Cultural Center at Canisius College, Main St. Buffalo. Ilia Delio is a
Franciscan sister of Washington, D.C. and an American theologian
specializing in the area of science and religion, with interests in
evolution, physics and neuroscience and the import of these for theology.

Nekanesakt/Indigenous and Friends/Buffalo Supports Standing Rock Water

* Weekly meeting Tuesdays, 6:30pm. Burning Books, 420 Connecticut St.,

Indigenous Peoples Day March on March 10 was a wonderfully strong and
spiritual gathering, both in DC, where WNY was beautifully represented with busloads of dedicated, devoted, and inspired people, as well as in
Buffalo, where some 50 braved the cold to come out to stand up for our
Indigenous brothers and sisters, and our Mother Earth! Nya weh to all!


The Drone Resisters: Civil Resistance Acquitted and Validated!!!  After a
jury acquitted four drone resisters, James Ricks, Daniel Burns, Brian
Hynes, and Ed Kinane, from the 2015 big books action of all charges, a
DeWitt Township judge dismissed charges from drone resisters who had set
up a Nativity scene in the Hancock Base roadway on Dec. 23. We rejoice in
any and every dismissal of charges against people risking their freedom
while trying to get our government to uphold the law, including the law
against extrajudicial assassination.

* Thurs, March 23, 1-2:30pm. Resist Militarism! Taskforce Meeting, WNYPC,
1272 Delaware Ave, Buffalo (entrance and parting round back). Will discuss upcoming events, including showing “National Bird” (re drones) and producer, Sonia Kennebeck to Buffalo; our entry into the Infringement festival; 50th anniv of Rev Dr King’s Riverside antiwar speech on April 4th, NFARS next steps, etc.

* 2nd and 4th Thurs of month, next one March 23: Resist Militarism!
Anti-Weaponized-Drone Vigil at Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station, 3:30-4:30pm. Call Russell, 570-5200 for carpooling.


*Great news! Dolores Bustamente is free for now!
Dolores has been told by 4 lawyers that her chances of remaining in this country are minimal after having been stopped for speeding three years ago and handed over to Border Patrol.
Through the miraculous efforts of her attorney, Jose Perez, she has another court date on May 17 at 2 PM. She is now on her way to her Alternative to Detention officer hearing in Buffalo and should be home with her daughter soon.

Dolores has been involved in the Rural Women’s Conference and is a leader
in Las Mujeres Divinas (a women’s group here who have been developing
their leaderships skills and working for farmworker justice.) Her daughter, Miriam Gonzalez, is in youth group, JOY, and is a leader in my Kids for College program. Miriam is a 16 year old junior in Sodus, a DACA student, who right now is emotionally traumatized with the knowledge that her life without her mother would be difficult.

Don’t forget:  Letters of support make a profound statement of solidarity to Dolores and Miriam and send a strong message to the courts that separating Miriam from her only parent would be devastating. Letters from clergy hold tremendous weight.
Any letter should be sent by email to West Cosgrove, wcosgrovermm@gmail.com  (You can simply photo it on your smart phone and email it to West.)
Petition link: https://goo.gl/forms/PVZS5DCEaHpX9VQ12
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/199704243847877/

* Sun, March 19, 3-7pm, Taqueria Sunday, Pilgrim-St Luke’s, 335 Richmond
Ave, Buffalo. Come enjoy great tacos (also to go) while supporting the
#Buffalo25 and their families! $10 for three tacos, beverage, and dessert.
The solidaridad is priceless!

* Workers’ Center member and leader, Jose Coyote Perez, was detained by
ICE in Batavia. He is also a father of four children and community leader
in Upstate and Central NY, member of the Workers’ Center of Central NY and other community organizations. His case was administratively closed in September, but he was detained on February 24, 2017.
Please continue to call the Buffalo Fed. Detention Facility office of the
Chief Counsel (716) 551-4741 and press 4# (four followed by the # sign)
“Proposed script: My name is ______ I want to bring to the attention of
the Chief Counsel the case of Jose Coyote Perez, A#099757267, who is in
Batavia detention Center. He is the father of four children and community
leader in Upstate and Central NY, member of the Workers’ Center of Central NY and other community organizations.”
Be prepared! They may tell you that is not the place to call but just tell them you want to leave the message for the Chief Counsel (if she doesn’t answer). It is very important to tell them the A#.
Jose is in good spirits, he knows he has a lot of support from all over
Upstate and Central NY. Thank you for the support you have already shown
and let’s continue to show our support!
Si se puede!

* One of our two recently declared Sanctuary Churches, Pilgrim St-Luke’s
needs to put in showers for people staying there! Please send your
contribution (payable) to:

Pilgrim St-Luke UCC
335 Richmond
Buffalo, NY 14222

with Sanctuary Care in the memo. Or go to their website here to donate on
line. Also any plumbers who would be willing to work pro bono or at a
discount should contact Rev. Justo Gonzalez (716-989-9207; or
pastor@lovefaithjustice.org). For the Buffalo 25 and their families you
can also send contributions for them Payable to
Trinity Episcopal Church (with #Buffalo25 on the memo line of your check);
to Trinity Episcopal Church; 371 Delaware Ave.; Buffalo, NY 14202.


Cariol Horne Whistleblowers’ Fund, created by the WNYPC to support police officers who face reprisals from their department for choosing to strictly uphold their oath to protect and serve the community, is named for Cariol Horne, former police officer, who faced reprisals when she saved the life of a citizen who was being subjected to excessive force on her duty. She was fired just prior to earning her 20-year pension.
The goal of the fund is to encourage good police officers to follow their
moral conscience if and when it conflicts with the infamous blue wall of silence.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_wall_of_silence). More than $1,000 has
been raised. Please go to
https://www.gofundme.com/cariol-horne-whistleblower-fund to contribute.
Many Thanks!!


* From Roots Action:
The time has come to ABOLISH THE CIA!
Go to https://act.rootsaction.org/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=12767 to tell Congress.

Former President Harry Truman said he’d wanted to create the Central
Intelligence Agency for the same reason that George W. Bush said he’d
wanted to create the director of national intelligence, in order to have a single agency reconcile conflicting information from various other

“I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be
injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations,” wrote Truman,
who wanted the CIA restricted to “intelligence.”

We’ve now had 70 years of government overthrows, election interference,
arming of terrorists, kidnapping, murder, torture, lies to justify wars,
bribery of foreign officials, cyber-attacks, and other sorts of “peacetime cloak and dagger,” plus open warfare waged by this unaccountable agency including through the use of drones.

With vast sums of unaccounted-for money, much of it generated by off-the-books proprietary companies and illegal activities like drug
smuggling, the CIA spreads corruption around the world. This corruption
undermines the U.S. government and the rule of law. CIA attacks on foreign governments and peoples backfire against the United States time and time again.

We’ve just learned that the CIA has been illegally keeping secret and
exploiting weaknesses in U.S. companies’ technology, hiding flaws from
Apple, Google, and all of their customers. We urge you to abolish the
Central Intelligence Agency.

Enough is enough! Please go to RootsAction Impeach Donald Trump Now: https://impeachdonaldtrumpnow.org/ ; or
https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/a_million_to_impeach_trump_loc/?bBjDzab&v=88657&cl=11897522612&_checksum=d45fca5e17ea16b8a93bb956b33c9271516f9fa8cef68c0de09729a46b65171c to Impeach Trump Now! For more info, you can read the TruthOut Article on the subject. And please spread far and wide – we need to minimize the
extreme damage being done!!

* Keep Donald Trump from pressing the nuclear button at NoRedButton.org or CredoAction at https://act.credoaction.com/sign/restrict_nuclear_war/
Join us on the Peace Action NYS (PANYS) comprehensive campaign about his policies at No Fear, No Hate, No Nukes.

* Please support our friends at Women Against Violence Everywhere (WAVE),
and Citizens for Regional Transit at their Spring it on fundraising
campaigns at United Way of Buffalo and Erie County. We’re all in this


Other regularly scheduled efforts in the One Struggle, One Movement:

Fridays 6pm: Stop The Violence Coalition, United Way Bldg, Delaware and Summer Sts.

Saturdays, Noon-1pm: Women In Black. Nonviolence vigil, Bidwell and Elmwood.

Sundays, 4pm Riverside-Salem UCC/DC progressive program and potluck. This  week White Privilege exploration.
3449 West River Road, Grand Island.

Mondays, 1-3pm, Talking Peace with the WNY Peace Center radio show on 91.3FM, WBNY; with Avery Edwards, Vicki Ross, and special guests. Go to
wbny.buffalostate.edu or http://tunein.com/radio/WBNY-913-s27549/.

Tuesdays, 6:30pm Buffalo Supports Standing Rock Water Protectors!
420 Connecticut St, at Burning Books, with Indigenous Women’s Initiative, NACS, WNY Peace Center, and more.

2nd and 4th Thurs of month: Resist Militarism! Anti-Weaponized-Drone Vigil at Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station, 3:30-4:30pm. Call Russell, 570-5200 for carpooling.

1st and 3rd Thurs of month: Interfaith Peace Network meeting and breakfast-luck, 8am-9:30am; NRC Bldg, 1272 Delaware Ave. Parking round back.
