Rally Sunday 11/13 Noon; plus – busy week

Dear Friends,

Our work is more important now that ever before!! Crisis=Opportunity; and as Rev. King said, unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. So, we shall overcome!!

The annual dinner was a rousing success! Many thanks to Aly Wane, our honorees, and all who attended and or supported it.

Don’t forget to support the #Buffalo25, suffering from ICE raid breaking up families. Donations can be sent to First Presbyterian Church, One Symphony Circle, Buffalo, New York 14201, with #Buffalo25 in the memo line. Their situation is very serious, financially and otherwise.

**Please come out to the following:

*”Humanity Over Oppression: A Peaceful Action”, Rally for Peace and Unity
Sunday, Nov 13, Noon-3pm at Niagara Square.
Signs and our determination for Justice, Peace, Solidarity, Nonviolence, and Love all welcome!!

* Development Not Displacement – Community Rally Against Gentrification”
Monday, Nov 14, 5:30-6pm. Buffalo City Hall.

* “#NODAPL; Buffalo Stands with Standing Rock” Rally
Tuesday, Nov 15 (national day of action for #NODAPL), 11am-1pm; Army Corps of Engineers, 1776 Niagara St., Buffalo.
Signs and nonviolent solidarity all welcome!! Water is Life!

* “Lead in Our Houses” Weds, Nov 16, Merriweather Library, 1324 Jefferson
We Are Women Warriors – on lead “on the walls and in the water.”

* Speak Out Gathering for Ethical Peace Officers
Thursday, Nov 17, 7-9pm, Old First Ward Community Ctr, 62 Republic St, Bflo.
Special guest Theodore Kirkland, author of Spirit and Soul, Journey of a Black Man in America, on his experience of being trained in the Military and Buffalo police forces; with Open Bflo  researchers on findings from their recent study of police.

Please see wnypeace.org for more info. Yes, We Can//Si, Se Puede!!