Re-Purposing War $$ to Environmental $$

The benefits of re-purposing $30 billion from the Pentagon to the environment...

We can reverse climate change if we switch war spending to environmental and climate restoration.

From the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) October 2016 report:

The consensus from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is that global greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by 40 percent from 2005 levels by 2035. A 2014 report by the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts and the Center for American Progress, entitled, “Green Growth: A U.S. Program for Controlling Climate Change and Expanding Job Opportunities” calculated the U.S.’ necessary contribution to this goal. It estimates that $200 billion of investment per year across the public and private sectors will be required. The funds should be sufficient, when invested in clean energy infrastructure, to reduce annual U.S. energy consumption to 70 quadrillion BTUs over the next twenty years, and thus reduce U.S. carbon emissions to the target 3,200 mmt over the next 20 years.

Of the $200 billion total investment, the authors estimate that $55 billion annually should come from the public sector. Public funding can be used to leverage private investment in clean energy technologies, energy-efficient buildings, and infrastructure improvements — projects that will protect the climate and create 2.7 million new jobs in the process.