WNY Peace Center Weekly Update – May 26, 2016

Please send announcements to weeklynews@wnypeace.org for possible inclusion in the Weekly Update; and send your request to be put on the listserve to get the news emailed to you to the same e-address.


Prisoners Rights Taskforce
Rally for #JusticeForIndia
Join hands with sisters and brothers from Rochester. Stand up for restorative justice and humane treatment in the Holding Center and the Criminal Justice System.
Wednesday, June 1, 4pm. Erie County Holding Center, 40 Delaware Ave, Buffalo.

Continuing Vigil at the holding center
Every Wednesday 4-5 pm. Erie County Holding Center, 40 Delaware Ave, Buffalo.

Prisoners’ Rights Coalition
Buffalo Anti-Racism Gathering
Thursday, June 16 at 5pm. Frank E. Merriweather Library Auditorium, 1324 Jefferson Ave, Buffalo
BARC is hosting a Freedom School gathering. {The Town Hall Meeting re the Erie County Holding Center will be held at a later date.} Details tba.

Peaceful Conflict Resolution / Peace Education Project
PeaceJam For Teens:
PeaceJam Buffalo will present an interactive antidiscrimination session. All are welcome.
Saturday, June 11 at the Delavan-Grider Community Center.

PeaceJam is an international organization with 13 Nobel Laureates on its board that uses fun activities to provide youth with inspiration, education, and action.
PeaceJam also fulfills community service hours!
Wednesdays 5-6:30 pm – every Wednesday that school is in session. (Dinner served at 5 pm. – Program starts at 5:30 pm.) Delavan – Grider Community Center, 877 East Delavan Avenue, Buffalo, NY.
Contact Vicki (716-931-3520) for more information.

Camp Peaceprints for Youth 8 to 13
Camp Peaceprints – Pathways to Peace: Monday to Friday, July 18-29, 10am-3pm. St. Mary’s School for the Deaf, 2253 Main St, Buffalo.
Alternative summer camp focusing on multifaith and other compassionate views. Skill building includes peaceful conflict resolution, leadership skills, arts, etc. – and swimming! In partnership with SSJ Sr. Karen Klimczak Center for Nonviolence and others. Volunteers and youth assistants welcome.

Resist Militarism! Taskforce
Vigil: Disrupt the death squadron operating at Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station (NFARS):
Join us at the main gate to the NFARS on the 2nd & 4th Thursday each month (June 8) at 3:30-4:30pm (or pick another day of the week and bring a group with signs).
For more information, contact Russell Brown, at 716-570-5200; hobadoxa@me.com.

Racial Justice Taskforce
Community Speak-out re Ethical Police Officers/Community Policing
Saturday, June 11, 2pm-3pm. Delavan-Grider Community Center. Town Hall Meeting/discussion. Part of the Center’s Community Day open house, as well as part of a series of said Speak-Outs to be held in all the police districts. Come share your opinions and experience; explore the moral and ethical grounds of policing in our own communities; and help to create a real culture of peace.  The forum seeks to greater trust and cooperation between the community and the police force pledged to protect it. Police are also invited.

Latin America Solidarity Committee
27th US-Cuba Friendship Caravan – Monday June 20, 5:30pm
Celebrate with a backyard BBQ! Food, live music, dancing, and camaraderie!
With Bill Nowak and musicians from 5 to 1 Band
Discussion with Manolo representing Pastors for Peace (P4P)
74 Wellington Rd near Hertel. For more info call:  835-4705.

Live Theatre: “Judgment at Nuremburg” presented by the Subversive Theatre Collective
May 26 – Jun 4, The New Phoenix Theatre on the Park, 95 Johnson Park, Buffalo, New York 14201.

World Refugee Day in WNY
Soccer tournament (8am-7pm); cultural Performances and ethnic food (11am-2pm); kids activities (10am-5pm). Free! All are welcome!
Saturday, May 28, 8am-5pm.  JH Williams Soccer Fields, Vulcan St 14207.

“Stand Together for Climate, Jobs, and Justice” Rally in Albany
New Yorkers give their 100% and deserve 100% – clean renewable energy, good jobs, and justice for all! Join #NYRenews and demand action now.
Join the Bus to Albany for Climate, Jobs, and Justice on Wednesday, June 1. Bus leaves at 5:30am (sharp) from NFTA University Station Park and Ride lot located at 3435 Main Street, Buffalo (across from the Tim Horton’s on Main Street).
Free tickets available for those in need:

Come celebrate as the WNY Peace Center joins in the festivities of the 3rd largest Juneteenth Celebration in the World! Tabling, parading, jamming, and contributing to Beloved Community are all parts of it. Participate as you can and will. Call WNYPC at 332-3904 or 931-3520 for more info and/or to commit to part of the schedule. Saturday and Sunday, June 18-19, 10am set-up all through to 6-8pm
Martin Luther King Park, Buffalo.

Diana Block, formerly with the clandestine struggle for the independence of Puerto Rico, talks about her new book “Clandestine Occupations” and her recent trip to Palestine.
Thursday, June 9, 7pm. Burning Books, 420 Connecticut Street, Buffalo.

Liberating the Green Hill Beagles
Thursday, June 23, 7pm. Burning Books, 420 Connecticut Street, Buffalo.

Elmwood Festival of the Arts
Saturday and Sunday, Aug 27-28, 10am-5pm.
Come to the WNY Peace Center table on the Cultural Row!

Women In Black – weekly vigil for nonviolence. Every Saturday, noon to 1pm, Bidwell and Elmwood. Signs provided. (You don’t need to be a woman or wear black.)

Bob Swiatek invites you to download his books for free! Visit bobcooks.org

General Info :

For questions, comments, inquiries, suggestions, and concerns regarding the Peace Center, contact our Executive Director at:
Victoria (Vicki) Ross
Phone: (716) 931-3520
Email: victoryross9@gmail.com

Our Weekly Office Hours (for drop-in visits, calls, etc.) are:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday:  1-3 p.m., or by appointment.
1272 Delaware Avenue (use back entrance and ring buzzer to get inside), Buffalo, NY 14209
Phone: (716) 332-3904


Eric Gallion
Phone: (716) 310-4292
Email: egallion@verizon.net

Charley Bowman
Phone: (716) 688-2374
Email: CandABowman@verzion.net
Website: http://wnypeace.org/new/projects.html
Frank Gage
Phone: (716)893-5584
Email: snowbird1967@roadrunner.com

Phone: (716) 876-3872
Main Website: http://www.lascwny.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/LASC-wny/143873822377380/
WNY Peace Center Page: http://wnypeace.org/program/lasc.php/

Victoria Ross
Phone: (716) 884-0582, (716) 931-3520
Email: victoryross9@gmail.com

Chuck Culhane
Phone: (716) 228-2076
Email: culhane9@gmail.com
Website: http://wnypeace.org/program/Prison%20Action%20Committee.php/

Heron Simmonds-Price
Email: heronimousphunk@gmail.com
Phone: (716) 768-2986

Russell Brown
Phone: (716) 570-5200
Email: hobadoxa@me.com
Website: http://wnypeace.org/program/ResistMilitarism.php/

Student/Low Income: $10
Peacenik: $50
Sustainer’s Circle: $125
Director’s Circle: $250
Major Donor:  $1000
Lifetime Membership: $2500
Other Donations (you may indicate any reason):
Send Checks and/or Money Orders (made out to “WNY Peace Center”) to:
Western New York Peace Center, 1272 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14209. Please write “Membership” or your purpose for your donation on the memo line of your check.
You can also pay with your credit card via PayPal at www.wnypeace.org

Main Website:  http://wnypeace.org/new/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/WesternNewYorkPeaceCenter/
Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/wny8peace8center/
YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-irmY8IAJdDGF8oFTB98nA/feed/
