WNY Peace Center Weekly Update – May 12, 2016

WNY Peace Center Weekly Update – May 12, 2016                              Contact: 716-332-3904
Please send announcements to weeklynews@wnypeace.org for possible inclusion in the Weekly Update.
Also, check out our website: wnypeace.org

1. Events

Prisoners Rights Taskforce
Continuing Vigil including #JusticeForIndia
Every Wednesday 4-5 pm, Erie County Holding Center, 40 Delaware Ave, Buffalo.
Special joint gathering with BLACK Rochester, Wednesday, June 1.

Environmental Justice Taskforce & WNY Drilling Defense
Break Free from Fossil Fuels Event, Albany NY, Saturday, May 14.
Bus from Buffalo to Albany will be leaving Saturday, May 14 at 5:00 am from the University of Buffalo Main Street Campus parking lot (across from Tim Horton Donuts). We will stop in Geneva at 6:15 am at the Geneva/Phelps Thruway Park and Ride Lot to pick up passengers (lot is located on Route 14 at the New York State Thruway, Exit 42 in the Town of Phelps) on our way to the rally. Rally begins at 10:00 am at Lincoln Park in Albany, NY.
Some snacks on the bus will be provided. Email niagarasierra@gmail.com with questions.

More info: http://www.albany2016.org/the-action/

Latin American Solidarity Committee (LASC)
Rural and Migrant Ministries together with LASC would encourage all Peace Center members and friends to come to the Bidwell Market to sign postcards that will be delivered to Governor Cuomo and Senator Flanagan urging them to support farm workers economic justice in New York State.
Saturday, May 14, 9-11am. Bidwell Market ( Elmwood Avenue at Bidwell Parkway).

Press Conference in Support of Economic Justice for Farm Workers
Faith based, unions, migrant farm workers, and Sen. Tim Kennedy( who has been a co-sponsor of farm workers legislation) to urge our state legislators to support farm workers legislation. Come and participate!
Sunday, May 15th, 12:15pm. Pilgrim/St. Luke’s UCC, 335 Richmond Ave.
West Cosgrove, Western New York Coordinator, Rural and Migrant Ministry
315-871-4031 (office), 915-443-4146 (cell), www.ruralmigrantministry.org

Documentary film, MAESTRA about the 1961 Cuban Literacy Campaign
With our friends from the Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association (CCFA) Niagara
May CoffeeHouse: Monday May 23, 7-9pm. HALLWALLS, 341 Delaware Avenue (corner Delaware & Tupper)

27th US-Cuba Friendship Caravan – Monday June 20, 5:30pm
CELEBRATE with a backyard BBQ! Food, live music, dancing, and camaraderie!
With BILL NOWAK and musicians from *5 to 1 BAND*, discussion with Manolo representing Pastors for Peace (P4P)
74 Wellington Rd near Hertel. For more info call: 835 4705

You can travel to Cuba as a caravanista. Application due May 15. Let LASC know of your interest and check www.ifconews.org

Peaceful Conflict Resolution / Peace Education Project
For Teens:
PeaceJam is an international organization with 13 Nobel Laureates on its board that uses fun activities to provide youth with inspiration, education, and action.
PeaceJam also fulfills community service hours!
Wednesdays 5-6:30 pm – every Wednesday that school is in session.
(Dinner served at 5 pm. – Program starts at 5:30 pm.)
Delavan – Grider Community Center, 877 East Delavan Avenue, Buffalo, NY
Contact Vicki (716-931-3520) for more information.
*Save the Date: Saturday, June 11 at the Delavan-Grider Community Center. PeaceJam Buffalo will present an interactive antidiscrimination session. All are welcome.*

Resist Militarism! Taskforce
Vigil: Disrupt the death squadron operating at Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station (NFARS):
Join us at the main gate to the NFARS on the 2nd & 4th Thursday each month (May 26) at 3:30-4:30pm (or pick another day of the week and bring a group with signs).
For more information, contact Russell Brown, at 716-570-5200; hobadoxa@me.com.

Racial Justice Taskforce
*Save the Date: Saturday, June 11 for Community Speak-out re Ethical Police Officers/Community Policing. At the Delavan-Grider Community Center.*

Interfaith Climate Justice Community Meeting
Participation from the broader faith community strongly encouraged. Please attend and invite others!
Monday, May 16, 7:00pm. Gloria Parks Community Center, 3242 Main St., Buffalo (across from St. Joseph’s  University Church—parking at St Joe’s)

Stop the Violence Coalition – 5th Annual Awards Banquet
Keynote Speaker – Dr. Kriner Cash, Buffalo Public Schools Superintendent.
Special awards presentation – Dinner,dancing and fun!- Silent Auction and Raffles. $50 per person, $350 per table of 8. Friday, May 20. 5:30-10pm. The Aqua Restaurant, 2192 Niagara St., Buffalo For more info, call 716 861-7941 4971 or 716 249-1941 or mosesstvc178@yahoo.com

Muslim Public Affairs Council, Western New York – Twelfth Annual Banquet
Keynote Speaker – Khuttam Dara, American Muslim attorney and author.
Saturday May 21, 2016; 6:00 PM; Hyatt Regency Hotel. For reservations & information call: Saima F: 741-7214; Raheem M: 688-8855; Rema H: 870-3507; Bushra I: 713-2001; Fadi S: 957-9031; Fatima S: 400-9728. http://www.mpacwny.org/twelfth-annual-banquet/ Tickets: $70 (per person); $700 (Table of ten). Full time students: $35 (per person) After May 4th: $80 (per person)

Diana Block, formerly with the clandestine struggle for the independence of Puerto Rico, talks about her new book “Clandestine Occupations” and her recent trip to Palestine.
Thursday, June 9, 2016, 7pm. Burning Books, 420 Connecticut Street, Buffalo.

Women In Black – weekly vigil for nonviolence. Every Saturday, noon to 1pm, Bidwell and Elmwood. Signs provided. (You don’t need to be a woman or wear black.)

Bob Swiatek invites you to download his books for free! Visit bobcooks.org

General Info :

For questions, comments, inquiries, suggestions, and concerns regarding the Peace Center, contact our Executive Director at:
Victoria (Vicki) Ross
Phone: (716) 931-3520
Email: victoryross9@gmail.com

Our Weekly Office Hours (for drop-in visits, calls, etc.) are:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 1-3 p.m., or by appointment.
1272 Delaware Avenue (use back entrance and ring buzzer to get inside), Buffalo, NY 14209
Phone: (716) 332-3904


Eric Gallion
Phone: (716) 310-4292
Email: egallion@verizon.net

Charley Bowman
Phone: (716) 688-2374
Email: CandABowman@verzion.net
Website: http://wnypeace.org/new/projects.html
Frank Gage
Phone: (716)893-5584
Email: snowbird1967@roadrunner.com

Phone: (716) 876-3872
Main Website: http://www.lascwny.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/LASC-wny/143873822377380/
WNY Peace Center Page: http://wnypeace.org/program/lasc.php/

Victoria Ross
Phone: (716) 884-0582, (716) 931-3520
Email: victoryross9@gmail.com

Chuck Culhane
Phone: (716) 228-2076
Email: culhane9@gmail.com
Website: http://wnypeace.org/program/Prison%20Action%20Committee.php/

Heron Simmonds-Price
Email: heronimousphunk@gmail.com
Phone: (716) 768-2986

Russell Brown
Phone: (716) 570-5200
Email: hobadoxa@me.com
Website: http://wnypeace.org/program/ResistMilitarism.php/

Student/Low Income: $10
Peacenik: $50
Sustainer’s Circle: $125
Director’s Circle: $250
Major Donor:  $1000
Lifetime Membership: $2500
Other Donations (you may indicate any reason):
Send Checks and/or Money Orders (made out to “WNY Peace Center”) to:
Western New York Peace Center, 1272 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14209. Please write “Membership” or your purpose for your donation on the memo line of your check.
You can also pay with your credit card via PayPal at www.wnypeace.org

Main Website: http://wnypeace.org/new/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WesternNewYorkPeaceCenter/
Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/wny8peace8center/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-irmY8IAJdDGF8oFTB98nA/feed/
