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Unity, Solidarity, and Peace – STARI (Stand Together Against Racism & Islamophobia)

Hi, Friends!

PLEASE JOIN US TODAY (Monday, April 18) at UNITY and SOLIDARITY PEACE RALLY – 5:30pm.  We’ll be meeting at Main & Marine, at least to start. Look for us in skyblue. Also, please wear skyblue in solidarity. (And/or come find us for same!)  Signs of calling for justice and peace are especially welcome.

A 4-mile march yesterdayday sponsored by Peaceful Protest (Facebook group) – went wonderfully well with about 100 chanting and spirited walkers.


Weekly Update – April 4, 2016

WNY Peace Center Weekly Update – April 4, 2016                  Contact: 716-332-3904

1.  Events (WNYPC followed by allies – chronological within category)
2.  WNY Peace Center Membership Drive
3. ** Special Public Outcry Section: Sign on to STARI-Buffalo Stop Trump Rally Letter, etc.  **

Send announcements to for possible inclusion in the Weekly Update.
