WNYPC Honoring Dr. King
“[…] beyond this holiday and this week the effort is ongoing.
‘Speak up. Speak out. We have a voice in this society,’ said Deidra EmEl, the new Executive Director at the WNY Peace Center which started in 1967 because of a direct call from Dr. King.
‘And we’ve been at it for 54 years.’
Advocating for voting rights, protesting wars and fighting against violence. She says you can help them by educating yourself and coming together.
‘To see what group, established organizations, you can be a part of because there is power in numbers.’
Whether you’re advocating, taking to the streets of buffalo, or continuing the conversation.
‘We have to have a mindset of love and being equitable in everything that we do,’ said Emel.
[…] Community leaders urge you to make change in your community and commemorate this holiday.”
Read more at WKBW.
Tags: economic justice, peace education, racial justice, resist militarism