Last chance to stop Cuomo tax TODAY; Speakout tomorrow; and more

Dear Friends,

We are still trying to come to grips with the past week!

The wonderful was apparent in our dinner with Speaker Aly Wane, and the
Thousand strong Humanity over Oppression, Peace & Unity rally in Niagara
Square on Sunday. Thanks to the many of you who came out! But the terrible
is evidenced by the election of a man who has shown himself to lack
integrity, and who frequently disrespects and even attacks people, is of
grave concern. We need to take action to ensure a healthy and just
direction for our country!

Please get actively involved!! It is our courageous stand that will make
all the difference!!

Crisis=Opportunity; and as Rev. King said, unarmed truth and unconditional
love will have the final word in reality. So, we shall overcome!!

Many Thanks, Peace, and yes Love to You All!

Vicki for the WNY Peace Center; 716-332-3904

Please send support for the #Buffalo25, suffering from ICE raid breaking
up, to Trinity Episcopal Church, 371 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, New York
14202, with #Buffalo25 in the memo line. Their situation is dire,
financially and otherwise. They need our help!

Please SIGN a petition to stop $7.6 BILLION of taxpayer money to go to
private companies to prop up aging plants of one of the most highly toxic
of energy sources: NUCLEAR! go to

**Please come out to the following:

“Lead in Our Houses” Weds, Nov 16, Merriweather Library, 1324 Jefferson
We Are Women Warriors – on lead “on the walls and in the water.”

Speak Out Gathering for Ethical Peace Officers
Thursday, Nov 17, 7-9pm, Old First Ward Community Ctr, 62 Republic St, Bflo.
Special guest Theodore Kirkland, author of Spirit and Soul, Journey of a
Black Man in America, on his experience of being trained in the Military
and Buffalo police forces; with Open Bflo  researchers on findings from
their recent study of police.


Rachel Meeropol
Thursday, Nov 17 7-9 pm at Burning Books, 420 CT Ave, Rachel, of the
Center for Constitutional Rights on the Green Scare, the Animal Enterprise
Terrorism Act, Ag gag laws, Communication Management units, is the
granddaughter of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg.

Nov.28 Peace Coffeehouse – NAFTA,GMO corn,land:resistance in rural
Luz Rivera Martínez on popular resistance to neoliberal capitalism in
Tlaxcala, Mexico
7-9 pm Monday November 28, 2016; Canisius College – Science Hall
convenient parking lot on Main St. near Delavan
Our speaker, Luz Rivera Martínez, is organizer with Consejo Nacional Urbano
Y Campesino (CNUC)with 20 years of experience working on human rights,
women’s movements, andpeasant and labor movements in Tlaxcala. She will
speak on buildingautonomous community,organizing outside the electoral
system, and protecting millennia-oldvarieties of corn.
cosponsored by Peace Action-Canisius, Burning Books,
WNY Peace Center, LASC, Global Justice Ecology Project

Dec. 5 Peace Gathering, 7-9pm at El Buen Amigo, 114 Elmwood Ave.
(with reports on Standing Rock and on the Buffalo 25)

Please remember these regular events:

* Fridays 6-7pm Stop The Violence Coalition meeting, United Way Bldg,
Delaware & Summer
* Saturdays, Noon-1pm Women In Black, Bidwell & Elmwood. Signs provided.
* Tuesdays 6:30-8pm, Buffalo Stands with Standing Rock, Nekanesakt.
Burning Books, 420 CT st. (Fundraiser coming up Dec 10, at Trinity
Episcopal Church, 371 Delaware Ave.)
* Second and Fourth Thursdays of month, 3:30-4:30pm Resist Militarism!
Taskforce vigil at Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station, Lockport Rd (main
entrance), Niagara Falls. Call Russell at (716) 570-5200 to carpool.

Please see for more info. Yes, We Can//Si, Se Puede!!